35 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ a close call

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌓 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'Never marry the one you can live with; marry the one you cannot live without.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌓 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Paul's head rests on the orange sand, seemingly asleep.

He looks so peaceful.

But then his eyes flutter open as he senses something, looking up to see the sun slowly being uncovered, though a sliver of it always remains shielded by the smaller moon that stays in the sky.

He shifts, turning over to see Chani, who signals him to be quiet with a finger to her lips.

One of the Fremen rushes past them down the sands, leaving marks and footprints. And below them lies Jamis' body, tightly wrapped like always.

The journey to the sietch has been thwarted.

But by what?

Chani slowly climbs up, and Jessica lifts up her hand, signing 'Enemy.'

The woman above looks down, gesturing to the unseen foes, which reveal themselves to be Harkonnens judging by the dialect.

Some of the Fremen go to follow Chani, silently treading past Paul. The others follow suit, leaving him and his mother alone.

Paul turns his head, looking to his left to find his wife, and next to her, Stilgar.

Her gloved hand lies on the sand as they keep their bodies hidden, and Paul inches his closer, brushing her pinky with his own as he interlocks them.

He makes a small gesture, blowing her a tiny kiss, to which she tries her hardest not to smile, her gaze flitting to the top of the dune with a clear message.

'Not the time.'

Stilgar slowly lifts up, ignoring the couple's flirting and quietly says, "Stay here."

He mimics the sound of a bird, something of a call to signal the others before they rush off, flanking to the left.

And now the Atreides were officially alone.

Paul looks at his mother, shifting his hand to squeeze his wife's before they focus on the mission to survive.

Jessica nods, and the three scramble up the dune. 

Up above on the horizon, Harkonnen soldiers, now more technologically advanced and with better weapons, patrol the sands as a ship drops down more.

There's nothing in sight for miles.

The three lower their heads to remain hidden, and Jessica signals 'Down. Right' to which the couple follow suit.

They leave Jamis' body, and Paul's steps leave footprints. They slide down to a rocky wall, sliding to their stomachs as Jessica hides.

(Y/N) dips down and anchors herself onto her stomach, further hidden than Paul as he slides down, crouched beside her.

She's better hidden than he is, and he knows that he'll run with his crysknife out to kill for her if needed.

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