39 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the importance of words

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'Soulmate: the one with whom you share a connection of minds, a mutual respect, an unconditional love and a total understading.'

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The sietch is quite beautiful on the inside, and it's crazy to think that we are inside a rock right now, underground.

"Look how your Bene Gesserit propaganda has taken root," Paul murmurs to Jessica, snapping me out of my thoughts and the peace I was beginning to feel.

She doesn't answer, avoiding his gaze as she looks down and we look around to find some of the Fremen watching us.

"Some of them already think I'm their messiah," he adds. "Others..." On another side of the area, most of the people don't even look at us. "False prophet."

He shakes his head, his tone soft but convicting. "I must sway the non-believers. If they follow me, we can disrupt spice production." His eyes meet mine. "That's the only way you and I can get to the Emperor."

"Your father didn't believe in revenge," Jessica says.

"Yeah, well I do," my husband and I simultaneously mutter, causing our eyes to meet as our heads snap up.

I chuckle softly as he takes a bite. "Point proven. But it's not that easy. I mean..." I glance around, sighing. "They're focused on you. Shouldn't they be focused on both of us for this to work?"

Jessica seems to consider the idea, finding that I'm jealous of not being "praised" perhaps, in her eyes, and she's not wrong.

I take a bite, pausing as I notice my husband starting to look a little different.

"Hey..." I murmur, reaching out to touch his arm, only to feel a shudder ripple through me, and I close my eyes.

There's a blinding light, and as the glow clears once I open my eyes, I can see Fremen bowing before a shrine.

"--Fanatical legions worshipping at the shrine of my father's skull!" Paul's voice yells in the back of my head, and my heart lurches in pain.

This was his father's shrine, and that becomes clear once I see a photo of the former Duke.

"What is happening?" Jessica asks once we're brought back to the present.

"Too spicy for the foreigners?" Chani's friend, Shishakli, asks, prompting the others to laugh, except for Chani herself.

I clear my throat, shuddering at the feeling of the spice. It's not that bad in taste and has a good flavor, but with the visions, it feels off-setting.

"What is it?" My mother-in-law prods again.

"There's spice in the food," Paul murmurs, and I twitch upon the sight of the specks in our food.

"He'll look pretty with blue eyes," Shishakli teases as more laughter erupts.

My hand curls into a fist with shifting shoulders as we sit by ourselves, and the female seemingly notices. I couldn't entirely understand Chakobsa, but I could tell they were joking around, and to me, that wasn't acceptable.

"Is the girl jealous?" She asks, glancing at Chani with a smirk.

"Don't mock them," Chani states. "They deserve our respect, and she's a good fighter."

The girl grins as if to suggest something more, but Chani shakes her head.

"Woman," Stilgar says from the entrance as I quirk a brow. "Come with me."

I pause, looking at Jessica.

"You, stay," he says to me, gesturing to Paul as Jessica stands, following Stilgar away from the living area of the sietch.

My hand finds Paul's and his shifts. I pull back, thinking he doesn't want my touch, only to feel our fingers intertwine momentarily before he brings my hand to his lips, brushing a kiss on my knuckles.

"I think they like you more than they like me," I murmur with a sigh.

"I like you," Paul counters with a nonchalant shrug, looking up as he smiles at me.

"You're different," I say, smiling back. "I'm... not that important to them."

"You're my wife. That's important."

I look up, searching his eyes at the sudden revelation and deepening love that grows for this man.

"Yeah, but--"

He makes a noise of disagreement, planting a finger on my lips with a soft tone. "No talking. You're important to me, and that's all I need."

I smile, taking his hand and kissing the back of it, because he is right. 

All we need is each other. And if he was truly what the Fremen were talking about, then I would be with him.

Messiah or not, he's still my husband.

And I'm keeping it that way.


How on Earth do I come up with something so pure and heartfelt?


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