expecting, expected.

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Tucked beneath a blanket, curled up in a ball on Yoongi's lap watching the new episode of Run BTS, you were fighting to keep your eyes open, doing the slow blink. Running his fingers through your hair, dragging his fingernails soothingly over your scalp, it was as if Yoongi was actively trying to get you to fall asleep. That's all you've been able to do for the past two weeks anyway, and it didn't matter where you were, you were dozing off at random.

Shortly after the Golden Disc Awards, and that blur of a day, you were scheduled to see a doctor where the news you knew to be true was confirmed. Yoongi stood by your side watching attentively as the doctors did bloodwork, spoke with you about your symptoms, and gave you a long list of do's and don'ts for you to follow for the next nine months after they showed the two of you that you were definitely pregnant.

This early on it wasn't necessary for you to see a doctor yet, considering your age and your health, however Yoongi let his worry's slip to a director, one of the higher ups that had most of the power. Keeping the entire situation on the down low, it was decided you'd be treated as if you were an Idol yourself, being ushered into the office almost against your will, a place where you'd get the most prompt, unconditional care throughout your pregnancy.

You didn't expect anything less from Yoongi. That morning, holding onto his hand, his other was wrapped around you protectively wherever you went. You knew he would go overboard. Your dark haired, still in physical therapy boyfriend found a new hobby- waiting on you hand and foot, like he wasn't the star of the household. None of that even mattered in your rapport anyway, you were the star of his life.

After the awards, once the two of you were back home and cuddled underneath the safety of your bed covers, nearly nose to nose, you took turns speaking into the early hours of the morning. Initial shock had subsided, and you were both able to actively listen to one another, and think rationally. Yoongi expressed his excitement, telling you how he dreams of this, wanting to do it all with you, only if you wanted it too.

When the sun had risen and the time was checked, laughter was shared along with a reassuring kiss.

Meeting Yoongi at twenty two, you were young, still at the beginning of your life. Barely out of college, you didn't have a clue if you ever wanted to have children, the thought rarely crossed your mind. For a while it was full of, how am I going to pay for my next meal, before it did a complete one eighty, turning into, what city are we flying to next? You were jet-set for six years until the global shutdown of the year 2020.

Now, age twenty eight, with seven years of a relationship down, living with the man who knew you better than anyone else, and loved you three times as much... Things had shifted. A universal halt wasn't expected because of a new rampant illness in the world, and though it came with extreme measures, it was exactly what you and Yoongi needed. It gave you time to grow up a little bit, your subconscious doing most of that work.

During the hours and hours of whispering like two people with a secret, the work done in the shadows was unveiled, sparking the realization that you did in fact want this. You were ready for the next step of life with the man you loved.

"Oh, you're out," You hear Yoongi speak quietly to himself, feeling him shift beneath you a bit. With closed eyes, you roll over to face his torso and sigh, wrapping an arm around his waist, weaseling it between his back and the couch cushion.

"Not out," You barely whisper. Yoongi looks down at your sleepy face with a smile, putting a hand back into your hair, stroking it with care.

"You missed the rest of the episode," He says, "You started snoring before they even split into teams."

"No... I didn't," You mumble, "I saw."

"Who won?" He perks an eyebrow, finding it amusing you were laying here lying to him in real time.

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