Unforeseen Rescue

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Chapter 4: Unforeseen Rescue

**Your POV**

I somehow managed to avoid whoever was following me yesterday. They were definitely able to catch up to me quickly. I don't think I would have escaped if I hadn't concealed my aura. And I'm pretty sure that was Feitan... I thought to myself silently.

**Time Skip**

It's been a week since you last went back to town and you were running out of groceries, so you decided to make a short trip today. You were still wary about your encounter the week before but decided to risk it. You put on your bag and wore a plain white t-shirt with jeans. You tied your hair up in its usual style and left your apartment for the day. You started walking towards the main entrance of the town. Just as you were about to turn right, a sudden hand wrapped around your upper arm and pulled you into a nearby alleyway. Before you could ask who it was and what they were doing, someone slammed your head against the brick wall. Your vision became blurry and black spots started dancing in front of your eyes. 'What is happening?' you thought. You hadn't noticed the guy following you earlier because you had your guard down, but little did you know someone else happened to be in town.

**Feitan's POV**

I couldn't sleep a wink, so I went out for a walk to get an early start to my day when I noticed someone who looked exactly like Y/N. I thought I was going crazy until I saw her getting dragged into an alleyway by a man in all black. Now, I'm not one to play hero, but I felt like I had to do something or else I would regret it. So, I moved as fast as I could. When I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. It seems like the man got what he wanted, but I found an even more special piece of jewel he left behind. Seeing her in such a state kind of tore my heart. "Why am I feeling this way?" She was all bloody; I could see the blood dripping down her face and soaking her shirt. She looked exhausted and defeated.

**End of POV**

**Ten Minutes Earlier with Y/N**

The man had been fist-fighting with Y/N. She thought she was strong enough, but he always somehow had the upper hand. "What do you want from me?" she said, her breath shaking. "All I want is everything you have," he responded while holding onto her throat tightly, choking her slightly. She started struggling and kicking him, trying to get away. This caused the guy to laugh hysterically. "Oh no you don't! You're staying right here, and we'll keep playing with you a little bit longer," he replied before letting out another laugh.

After Awhile

"You know, you were fun to play with, but I'm bored now. I'll take the rest of the money you have. Hope you don't mind," he said, and with that, he left. The only thing left was her body. She fell limply to the floor and stayed unconscious after the thug left her alone in the alleyway. Her chest rose and fell with an uneven rhythm.

**Feitan's POV**

I know she's not going to like this, but I can't let her stay here. I have to take her back. She's mine. Mine forever. He thought as he picked up her body carefully in his arms and began walking back to the base.

**End of POV**

It took him a couple of minutes until he made it there, but when he did, he saw the other members gathered outside waiting for him. They immediately rushed over and grabbed her from him to check whether she was alive or not.

"How did you find her, and why did you hurt her this badly?" Pakunoda spoke up sternly.

"I found her. I just followed her  because she's so damn distinctive. When I realized she was getting snatched by some random creep, I had to act," he explained calmly. All the members stared at him for a minute until they looked back down at Y/N's body in disbelief. Even though she had just been horribly beaten by some random jerk, they couldn't help but feel protective of her because Feitan cared for her deeply. They had to admit, she may look like some random person, but she's really special to them. A part of the gang knew that Feitan had feelings for Y/N and that he really loved her, but none of them ever saw him act on it. They all respected him enough to respect his wishes, but they also knew that he needed to come out of his shell more often.

"Well, at least we know she's okay now," Pakunoda sighed in relief as everyone turned to look at him.

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