Chapter 8

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He ran towards the gate and opened it without making any sound. His eyes travelled to Yibo who is sitting while leaning on the gate and looking at the sky..

His clothes are dirty and dust filled with it. His hands are playing with the soil. He is looking at the sky with a smile on his face..

Xiao zhan get shocked after looking at his condition...

Zhan was going to call him but Yibo turned his face towards Zhan. He immediately stood up from the place, he was sitting..

He scaredly looked at Zhan and spoke.

"I- I didn't me-an to stay here. Si-r I'm going, I'm go-ing to my home. So sorry sir, I'm going." Wang yibo said hurriedly and started to leave from there but he stopped and looked at Xiao zhan nervously...

"Si..r, i- I'm hungry. If you have anything, ple-ase gi-ve, give me something please." Yibo pleaded, making Zhan's eyes teary. He bitten his lips to control his tears..

Wang yibo looked at Xiao zhan and smiled...

"It's okay sir. Have a good night and go inside fast, don't stand here" Yibo said and started to walk from there.

Zhan started to follow him silently, then he saw Yibo is going near roadside footpath and he saw Yibo is lying there..

Seeing Yibo like this is giving Zhan an unknown pang in his heart. Other hand, Yibo started to sleep..

Zhan went near him and saw Yibo who is filled with dust. He bend down and slowly took his hand towards Yibo and started to caress his cheek but suddenly an unknown voice come behind him..

"Hey, why are you sitting with him? You are looking like you are from good family. Then why are you here? Come on, get up I will drop you at your house. What if he did something to you? Stay away from him, he is a beggar." That unknown man said...

"He is my husband" Zhan said coldly while caressing Yibo's cheeks dusting the dust off.

"Yibo, Yibo get up. Look, I'm going to cook your favorite food. Get up, I'm also hungry." Zhan said softly. Otherside that unknown person is looking at Yibo dumbfoundedly..

Yibo woken up hearing a familiar voice calling at him..

Seeing Zhan, he immediately sat straightly and looked at Zhan with wide eyes. He cupped Zhan's face...

"Zhan, what are you doing here? Why did you come out from the house again? Didn't I said go inside? Did sir shouted on you again? Or scolded you? Or-" Yibo was asking questioning him non stop but Zhan's action make him stop..

Zhan suddenly sat on Yibo's lap and wrapped his arms around Yibo's neck while hiding his face on Yibo's neck. Yibo rubbed his back softly..

"Why didn't you ring door bell?" Zhan asked while snuggling his face on Yibo's neck...

Zhan looked at Yibo, and dusted the dust on his face again..

Suddenly Yibo looked at his clothes and realised that he is dirty. So, he pushed Zhan softly from him...

"Zhan, stay away from me. Look because of me your clothes become dirty too. You will catch disease easily." Yibo said but Zhan annoyingly looked at him and hugged him again. Otherside, that unknown guy is still looking at them shockingly.

"You guys didn't give vibes like couple, then how you guys get married with each other? Weird." That guy said and Yibo shooked his head..

"No, no, we are not married." Yibo said hurriedly and Zhan chuckled...

"Don't lie, Yibo. We are already married and I'm your wife." Zhan said making Yibo shocked. Zhan stood up from there..

"Come on Yibo. Yizhan is crying, he will not stop if you don't come." Zhan said and Yibo and that unknown man frowned...

"Who is Yizhan?" That unknown man asked confusedly and Yibo looked at Zhan for the answer. Seeing this, Zhan smiled....

"Our seven years old son." Zhan said while smiling. Yibo looked at him weirdly...

"Your seve-" Yibo was about to say something but Zhan cut him..

"Yibo, our Yizhan and Zhanyi are crying. Please stand up and let's go." Zhan said.

"But you guys aren't looking like that. And you are saying that you have seven years old son?" That man asked and Zhan turned his face towards that man.

"Thanks but if you are done with talking then you can go home because it is midnight and your family must be waiting for you." Zhan said and that man went hurriedly from there..

Zhan looked at Yibo, who is about to lay there again. He immediately grabbed Yibo's arms and made him stand up from the floor..

"Look at me, Yibo. Look at me" Zhan said and Yibo looked at him confusedly..

"I think it's good to wear night dress while coming outside." Zhan said and Yibo's eyes travelled to Zhan body.

"Omg, Zhan why are you wearing this in outside? What if some-" Yibo was speaking but he looked at Zhan's back where some peoples are looking at Zhan weirdly..

Yibo changed their direction and hugged him to hide him from the peoples eyes...

"I can't even give you my jacket because I'm dirty but these nasty peoples." Yibo said in a little bit angry voice....

He took his jacket off and put it on Zhan's body..

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me" Zhan said slowly.

"It's okay. You are angry and it's normal because you are married to a cheap and poor man. But don't worry, everything will be fine soon." Yibo said while smiling and Zhan hummed..

They walked for few more minutes and they reached the house...

(To Be Continued...)

Hi friends, first of all sorry for not updating and I was supposed to update yesterday but I wasn't able to update it because yesterday is my brother's birthday and I thought to update after finishing the arrangements but I forget it...

Ok now it's time to stop blabbering..

Bye guys ♥️

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