Chapter 10

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(He dialled Jin's number on the phone.)

"Jin, reach office fast because sir is about to go there." Ji Li said which making Jin widened his eyes.

"Then why the hell did you said that he is absent today?" Jin asked.

"I got to know it few minutes ago too. Now don't waste time, go to bus stand I will come there in an minute" Ji Li said and took *sigh*

"Ji Li, are you mad? Our home is too far from office, it will take minimum 2 hours to reach there." Jin started to shout..

"Just don't waste time, otherwise-" Ji Li was about to speak but he heard Zhan's voice.

"Come on Ji Li, fast. I will take you to office." Zhan shouted from living room. Hearing Zhan's voice, Ji Li immediately hanged the call up and went towards Zhan....

"What? No, no, no, sir my friend is waiting. He will drop me there." Ji Li said and ran from there with files on his hand..

( In bus stand )

KuanJin went to bus stand hurriedly while cursing Ji Li. Suddenly a bus came there, after seeing it Kuan started to drag Jin towards the bus. They both went inside the bus...

"Kuan, what are you doing? Ji Li isn't here, if we go then how will he come?" Jin asked..

"He will come by another way, we are late." Kuan said but Jin dragged him out from the bus as the bus started to move from there.

"We will go together." Jin said.

"How? This is the last bus. Now we have to wait for another 2 hours for bus" Kuan said.

"What?" Jin asked but he saw Ji Li, who is coming there while panting heavily..

"Because of you, we missed the bus." Jin said while glaring at Ji Li.

"Let's don't waste time guys. We have to reach office somehow." Ji Li said while looking here and there.

Suddenly he saw a car coming that side. He went to stop the car. That man stopped the car and Ji Li come towards window and knocked it..

"Our brother is in hospital and we missed the bus, can you help us?" Ji Li asked with puppy eyes. That man looked at him without blinking for sometime, then he said.

"Hmm, come on, why are you wasting time? Sit." That man said and the trio sat on the car...

"So, you all are brothers?" That man asked but Jin immediately shooked his head.

"No, no I'm his boyfriend." Jin said while winking at Haikuan, who frowned after hearing it.

"What?" Kuan asked to Jin in low voice.

"If I didn't said this, then he will definitely question me that you are not looking like brothers, and moreover our faces are different." Jin whispered while pouting..

"So that's mean, Ji Li's face is same as mine huh? Why didn't you introduce Ji Li as your boyfriend?" Kuan whispered back.

"I did that in hurry, sorry Kuan." Jin said and Kuan turned his face towards window.

Other side, Ji Li is telling that man which direction he should go.

"I don't know about the hospital in this route. Is it new?" That man asked to Ji Li.

"Yes." Ji Li said and that man nodded his head.

"Ji Li, where is your boyfriend? Everytime you come with him, then what happened now?" Jin suddenly asked making Ji Li look at him weirdly.

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