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Idk where this idea come from.   


Luke and Zander are married.They had been for 4 years.Luke had been distance with zander

Zander was used to this he still loved his husband and always tried to give him as much attention as possible when he wasn't working but it still hurt him a lot

Zander sat in his bed alone since Luke had fallen asleep on the couch once again he really needed Luke just once to come and lay in bed with him tonight. Zander gets out of the bed and sees Luke in the couch asleep and walks over to him

Zander smiles gently and sits next to Luke pulling him onto his lap being careful not to wake him he then runs a hand through Luke's hair and kisses his forehead as a small tear escapes his eye before he could stop it

Zander feels so disconnected from Luke sometimes and he wishes things could go back as he sits there rocking him gently back and forth while trying desperately not to start bawling his eyes out

Zander doesn't get it Luke used to be so kind, affectionate and loving towards him but now he's just so...distant. It had been like this for 3 years and Zander has been trying his best to keep holding on but he doesn't know how much longer he can bare it he has his moments where his mind would get a bit out of control with worry of Luke cheating but Zander trusted Luke so he didn't let those thoughts linger long.zander then fall asleep.

Zander wakes up the next morning in the same position he was the night before and looks down at Luke still sleeping on him he smiles gently but it falls from his face a bit when he sees the clock.

Luke then wake up and look at zander.he rubbed his eye and go to the bathroom not even saying good morning.

Zander didn't look back at Luke and just focused on getting ready he sighs in a mixture of annoyance and sadness as he doesn't say anything either he's grown used to Luke not saying good morning anymore but it doesn't mean it doesn't sting.

Zander sits down some pancakes and coffee on the counter for Luke as he grabs a cup of coffee for himself and goes to sit at the table and scrolls through his phone trying not to cry at the whole situation.

then Luke go out from their bedroom already in his suit and he go to the front door

Zander looks up and calls out to him.

"Hey...uh your food and coffee is on the counter"

No need,I'm late.

Zander frowns slightly

"You didn't even say good morning..."

"Sorry,I forgot.."Luke then go out and close the door.

Zander just sighs and feels a tug on his heart he was just so tired of things being like this Luke didn't even take the time to give him a quick peck on the lips as a greeting. Zander puts his head in his arms and finally let's his tears fall silently.

Zander finally lifts his head after a bit and just looks at the door he doesn't know if he will be able to take this anymore this constant emptiness he feels in his heart and chest he's starting to feel numb and that scares him he doesn't even know if he's hungry but he gets up and goes get the pancakes he made and forces himself to eat them.

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