meet ups

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The constant buzzing of my phone drew my attention, each message a reminder of the friend gathering I'd been invited to. It was a reunion for all who had graduated from Bishop Gatimu Ngandu in the class of 2016, a prestigious national school in Nyeri County.

Upon my return, their eagerness to add me to their WhatsApp group was palpable, though I suspected their motives lay more in sourcing gossip to fuel their conversations. Nevertheless, that wasn't my primary concern; it was the venue of our meetup that posed a challenge. It exceeded my budget for the month, and I was adamant about not dipping into my savings—those were sacred reserves.

The day at the office passed uneventfully, a blur of phone calls from our clientele, each inquiry blending into the next with little variation.

Before I knew it, the workday had drawn to a close, signaling it was time to rendezvous with my old friends. I booked a cab to Capital Heights in Parklands, Nairobi, the vehicle navigating through the bustling streets. Despite my reservations about the gathering's cost, I couldn't deny the allure of reuniting with familiar faces against the backdrop of Nairobi's scenic vistas.

As I entered the conference room, the first question that crossed my mind was whether I was late. It seemed that way—the room was already packed with familiar faces, all of whom had matured over the years since we last saw each other. An awkward smile crept onto my face, masking my discomfort at being the center of attention. It was an unnerving feeling.

Everyone in the room was dressed to the nines, their attire reflecting their success and wealth. Lawyers, business owners, doctors, and professionals from various promising fields filled the seats. Meanwhile, I found myself in the clothes I had worn to work earlier that day.

It had been eight long years since I had last seen them. During that time, I had been awarded a scholarship to the University of California, where I pursued a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media. The opportunity to leave my old life behind and focus on my personal growth had been exhilarating. Back then, I hadn't imagined a scenario where I would return to see them again. My plan had been to build my life there, far from the familiar faces now gathered before me.

Navigating through the crowd, I waved and exchanged brief greetings with acquaintances, feeling every step like a walk through a minefield of awkwardness. Settling into my seat at the furthest corner, I hoped to blend into the background, but the buzz of conversation around me persisted.

Beside me sat Ashley, a petite, light-skinned girl standing at 5 feet tall. If memory served me right, she had a penchant for chatter. True to form, she wasted no time in bombarding me with questions about my life in the "white man's land"—whether I was planning to return, how long I intended to stay, and more. The sudden spotlight on me drew the attention of those nearby, their curious gazes fixed on my every word.

Indulging their curiosity, I provided concise answers while silently yearning for the event to end so I could retreat to the solace of my home. The promise of a buffet menu provided a welcome distraction, offering the prospect of a satisfying meal without breaking the bank. With a polite excuse, I excused myself and made my way to the food table, knowing full well that this opportunity for a hearty meal wouldn't come around often.

As the gathering continued, conversations ebbed and flowed, with people mingling and discussing various topics. Amidst the friendly banter and warm welcomes to the country, I found myself counting down the minutes until I could make my escape. When the first few attendees began to bid their farewells, I felt a wave of relief wash over me—it was finally time to go home.

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