the original

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It has been four long years since the day when the second unranked monster appeared and caused widespread devastation and numerous casualties, including members of Team 1 and their leader Lee Soo Hyuk, a legendary figure in the Korean apocalypse. Any ability user in Korea must have known or heard about him.

Ever since then, the only survivor in Team 1, the new team leader Kim Rok Soo, has taken over as the leader. However, he was put in an unenviable position when he was kidnapped.

As he slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, and a sense of uneasiness started to creep up on him. He tried moving his arms, and to his surprise, there were no restraints. He couldn't help but wonder why his captor hadn't restrained him. After he checked his body to make sure nothing was wrong with him, he started analyzing the place he was in. As he looked around, he saw that he was in a room painted entirely in plain white, with no windows, doors, or any other means of escape.

Kim Rok Soo immediately started thinking of a way to escape from the room. He knew that his abductor wouldn't make it easy for him. Suddenly, he saw a person enter the room - a tall, muscular man with tanned skin and white hair. Kim Rok Soo's heart began to race, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into. If his former leader, Lee Soo Hyuk, were still alive, he would undoubtedly be nagging him right now.

The man snapped his fingers, and they were teleported to another room. Rok Soo found himself sitting on a white sofa while the man sat on his chair. The sudden teleportation startled him, but he didn't show any fear or weakness. As a team leader, he knew he had to be strong and show no weakness because his team members' lives depended on him.

The man was about to speak, but Rok Soo interrupted him. "Why did you kidnap me? Is it because you want me to work with your company, or do you want me to reveal the weaknesses of our company? Don't waste my time and let me go back. I won't say anything, anyway."

The man sighed. "You didn't let me talk, and you said that I kidnapped you. You hurt me, child."

"Are you crazy? You brought me here against my will, to a place I don't know. Of course, this is kidnapping." Kim Rok Soo looked at the man with a firm expression.

"No, of course not. Let me introduce myself." The man coughed once. "I am the GoD, and I brought you here to make a deal with you."

"I refuse to accept your deal. I don't believe in gods anyway. Bring me back; I have important work to do. And what kind of nonsense is this? Who are you to make such an offer? Even if you were a god, I wouldn't be interested."

The GoD let out a sigh and muttered to himself, "My child is the same in every universe."

Turning to face Rok Soo, the GoD said with confidence, "Listen, I am a god, and I want to strike a deal with you."

"Why should I believe you?" Rok Soo asked sceptically.

"I'll prove it to you," the GoD replied.

With a snap of his fingers, they were transported to a room where a young girl dressed in priestess clothes stood before them. "Meet my priestess - she is like a daughter to me," the GoD said with a smile before turning to speak to the young girl. "Cage, my child, how are you doing? Did you miss me?"

"Leave me alone! You fucking annoying god!" the young girl shouted back.

"See, do you believe me now?" the GoD asked Rok Soo, grinning.

Rok Soo was taken aback by the young girl's language, but he pushed the thought aside, "Okay, you are a god, but that doesn't change the fact that you brought me here without my consent."

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