Jealouszai (Kunizai)

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This oneshot will contain,
▪︎Jealous Dazai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
▪︎A pinch of Kunichuu 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


Kunikida's Pov


Ugh, what does that lazy waste of bandages want now. Sighing, I looked up from my laptop to see Dazai smiling ever so gleefully at me, with those brown orbs of his that I could practically get sucked into-

Snap out of it Doppo! That is your co-worker & friend you are talking about! Enough of that-

Proceeding to rid of those...questionable thoughts, I looked back at Dazai who was patiently waiting for my response to his callings. Sighing in defeat, knowing full well he'd just continue to annoy the living hell out of me, I answered his pestering,

"What brat?"

I didn't really mean to make it sound rude, but he is ticking me off. Especially since I was in the middle of writing a report for one of the cases we've recently done.

"Rude much Mr. mathematician-"

I glared at him as he rolled his eyes before he continued on with his, well, whatever he had to say.

"Anyways, we're going to take a break and go out for lunch-"

"What? What do you mean, we? You're already slacking off at work. To top it off, you didn't do anything at all for the past hours you arrived at work- late might I add."

"I was doing work! You just didn't care to notice,"

Dazai pursed his lips as he folded his arms and looked away. This damn brat...why must he be so-

"Yeah, and by that you mean annoying me the whole time as I was doing my work?"

I countered his response, to which he gasped dramatically with his right hand placed on his chest- acting all shocked.

"I did not! How dare you assume such things Kunikiiida-Kun~"

Showing a stoic face, I decided to continue typing away on my report without replying to him that I will not take a break and eat lunch with him.

Dazai's Pov

Tch, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed-

No matter! If he doesn't want to budge, I'll just have to force him~

With that, I dragged Kunikida by the collar, away from his laptop- which he somehow managed to close, and out the agency door, before I yelled out to the others that me and Kunikida-Kun are going out for lunch.

"Dazai, what the hell?! You can't just drag me away like that, you walking roll of bandages-"

Walking roll of bandages?!

"Oh, but I did~ And... WALKING ROLL OF BANDAGES?! What kind of horrible nickname is that?! That's by far the weirdest and most horrendous name I've heard coming from you- or anyone in general!"

Seriously, how did he think of that name? Walking roll of bandages? Pft, what a weak nickname-

"HA! Did I just hear that right? The mackerel got called a walking roll of bandages?! That's the best name I've heard in my entire life! Nice one, Kunikida!"

That voice....

"Oh, Nakahara, nice to see you again,"

Did...did that idealistic man just greet that short hatrack?

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