Chapter 2

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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! Look who's back in so early?!

Did you like the first chapter?

Alright, buckle up and get ready for this new chapter, a lot of interesting things will happen.

As always let me know what you guys think!

Sending you so much love ❤️


A week passed by and Y/N was still trying to wrap her head around what happened with Kate at the Spring Fling. The black haired girl sort of apologized, touched her purposefully, complimented her and danced, a few times provocatively, with her. She spent the first few days thinking she probably got so drunk she dreamed it all after passing out in the school's gym, especially because her and Kate went back to not talking and ignoring each other in school. But when Bucky showed her the pictures he took of her sitting on Kate's lap and asked what was all that about, she realized that it indeed happened and that she wasn't enough drunk that night, because now all she could think about was how warm Kate was and how good it felt being in her arms again. "Earth to Y/N."

Y/N blinked a few times to focus her attention back on her friends, staring at her, sat at their table during lunch and blushed furiously when she caught herself being lost in her mind, thinking about Kate again, "hm?"

"Wanda is throwing a party tonight. And we are invited!" Bucky clapped his hands enthusiastically and bumped his shoulder with Wanda, who giggled happily at his enthusiasm, but Y/N just stared at them lost after stabbing some of her salad.


"Wow, keep it in your pants Y/N/N. You're showing too much enthusiasm." Bucky joked and threw a napkin at his best friend, making Y/N roll her eyes and flip him off.

"My parents are going out town and they surprisingly allowed me to throw a party. As long as my house doesn't explode." Wanda explained further to Y/N and furrowed her eyebrows pensively at her last words, making Y/N and Bucky cackle at her words.

"Wow, that's great!"

"I know! We are gonna get ready at Wanda's house and then-." Y/N stopped listening to Bucky rambling about clothes as she always do and for a moment let her gaze linger on Kate talking to her friends at their table, but moved her eyes away quickly to not be caught staring and opted on letting her mind wander again, remembering the extremely good sensation of having Kate's arms around her as she hugged her. Fuck Y/N, your thoughts are starting to become too gay, even for you. Y/N chuckled at her own brain calling her out and stabbed another forkful of salad, chewing on it happily and kept pretending she was still listening closely to Bucky, but this time she forced her mind to not think about Kate Bishop again.


"Holy shit, what are they doing here?" Bucky run up to Y/N so fast that he bumped hard into her shoulder, making her groan out in pain and almost spill her drink on herself.

"Watch where you're going, you jerk." Bucky rolled his eyes as he watched Y/N smooth out her shirt before grabbing her chin to turn her head up and make her look at the plastics entering Wanda's house. "Oh no, what are they doing here?"

Bucky rolled his eyes at Y/N as he moved his hand away from Y/N's face and crossed his arms, "that's what I said, bitch." The two best friends flipped each other off with fond, exasperated rolls of their eyes while Wanda stared in panic at the trio walking into her living room.

"What do I do? Should I say hi?" Wanda asked anxiously, not ready to face the plastics again, despite they all apologized and made up at the Spring Fling. Bucky made the decision for her by pushing her towards them and making her almost knock into Natasha as the three girls advanced towards them.

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