Chapter 3

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A/N: HELLO HELLO HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! Two updates in a row? I wanted to give you a little gift for being always so patient with me ❤️

Enjoy ❤️ let me know what you guys think ❤️

Sending you love ❤️


"Hey bitch, where were you last night? We haven't seen you around after that round of shots." Bucky asked quizzically after he and Wanda appeared from beside Y/N as she grabbed the textbook for their first class, making the girl jump slightly at their presence and sighed out dejectedly as she closed her locker and leaned on it with her right shoulder, hugging her book closer to her chest for comfort and trying to act cool as she shrugged.

"Oh yeah, that last round of shots was too much- I was completely gone. I needed to go home." Bullshit. Y/N felt bad for lying to her friends like that but she couldn't exactly tell them she disappeared from the party because was in Wanda's bedroom, fucking Kate Bishop, for two hours. Yeah, you read that right. Two hours. They obviously didn't stop after the first round and went at it for another three before falling on Wanda's bed around 1 a.m., completely sweaty and spent from exhaustion but with their needs satisfied. They stayed for about a minute staring at the ceiling, their shoulders brushing ever so slightly together as they regained their breaths before moving off the bed and getting dressed in silence. Kate was the first to leave. Y/N watched the door close as Kate left without any other word and sighed out before slumping on Wanda's bed and diving into the mess that was her mind and think about everything that happened in the those two hours. Her body ached in all the right places and the smile she had on her face was almost hurting her cheeks from how big it was, but she had never felt so good. She shivered as she remembered how greedy Kate was as she devoured her whole body, kissing every inch of her skin and leaving a few hickeys here and there as she pushed her over the edge over and over again. She could still hear Kate's moans reverberate loudly through her mind as she plunged her fingers in and out of her relentlessly and her tongue still tingled with her wonderful taste. When 10 minutes passed and she opened the door to leave, she found the hallway empty. The music was still blasting through the speakers downstairs but its volume had been lowered around half an hour ago as the party was probably starting to die down. She sighed out happily when she luckily didn't bump into Wanda or Bucky on her way out because they would've figured what she was up to in a millisecond even before she could process what happened herself and left the party.

"Oh no Y/N/N, you missed a lot last night. Like- Bucky finally kissing Steve!" Wanda cheered loudly and slapped Bucky's left shoulder repeatedly in happiness, who was surprisingly shy all of a sudden as a blush appeared on his cheeks and Y/N stared at him in shock.

"What?! Are you fucking kidding me? Tell. Me. Everything."

And as they started moving to go to their first shared class, Bucky told Y/N how he finally found the courage to talk to Steve and Y/N was shocked, to say the least, to find out that it was actually one of the plastics that helped him out with his crush. "I was pissing myself off. Wanda was trying to convince me to go talk to him since we were exchanging too many yearning looks from afar. But then Natasha appeared out of nowhere. She apparently eavesdropped us and instantly pulled me towards him and presented me to him. We talked for a bit, then danced and before he went home, he kissed me. Can you believe that?"

Y/N smiled fondly at his friend's dreamy tone and couldn't help but feel her stomach clench guiltily for her not being there for her best friend as she should have for a moment. But she quickly discarded that. In all honesty, she hadn't hurt anyone. She deserved some release too. And if it needed to come (no pun intended) from none other than Kate Bishop, then so be it. She was sure it won't happen again, so she just promised herself to help Bucky from that moment on. No distractions in the middle. They sighed out in exasperation when their professor walked in the classroom and immediately started his boring History lesson with too much enthusiasm for a Monday morning. As time passed frustratingly slow, Y/N was having serious problems on focusing. Not only because she had very few hours of sleep the night prior, but also for the reasons she had very few hours of sleep. Kate Bishop. With her incredible hot, lean and muscular body as it slid deliciously over her own, with her amazing voice as she moaned loudly her name, with her stupidly skilled fingers and mouth as they worked her up into oblivion, with her wonderful taste she had the blessing to savor for two entire hours. Fuck, Y/N needed to pay attention. She won't let Kate Bishop ruin her grades. So with a resolute sigh, she shook her head slightly and tried to catch what her professor was talking about, but her forced focus on her class lasted about 43 seconds before she heard her phone buzz in her pocket. Y/N took advantage of her professor's back turned to write something on the board to take her phone out of her pocket and see who just texted her quickly, but immediately tuned her professor's voice babbling about something she certainly wasn't considering enough important to listen to as her eyes stared at the text on her phone screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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