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"Your name, ma'am?"

I blinked in confusion while I held the door open for a guard staring at the board in his hand looking bored of his job. Letting go of the door, I scratched my head before looking behind the guard to stare at the dark sky.

Weird... Usually, at this time of day, I'd already be awake.

"Ma'am, I do not have the time for this." Normally people would start glaring at me right now for wasting their time, but for some reason, he settled for a bored tone.

How weird... A polite guard. Never knew I'd encounter one like him. Maybe Krezairus finally got full of me and asked for a different job to look after someone easier. Didn't know he had it in him.

But I didn't really know this person so I adjusted the scarf I used to hide half of my face before answering him.


He continued to stare at me in silence before he started to write on the board in his hand. Looks like a clipboard. Is that what clipboards here look like? The metal holding the papers looks weird. Or maybe it wasn't metal. It's gummy-looking.

"Right. He did say you might lie about that one." He leaned closer and his black eyes stared straight into mine. "Uh-huh. Definitely you."

I rolled my eyes. Of course, my eyes are the best way to know my identity. Silently cursing at my different-colored eyes, I stared at the guard lazily as if I hadn't done anything wrong to get a visit from the guard.

"A grey eye on one and a green eye on the other huh? I thought the guys were pulling my leg." He continued muttering under his breath as if I wasn't there to hear him. Rude.

Is this Kingdom full of rude people?

Of course, it is. Why would I ask something I already knew the answer to?

Why on earth would people still mock my eyes? I'm in a dream for goodness sake. I couldn't have one day off where people don't care about the weird features I have.

"My eyes. What's it to you?"

He raised his head to look at me again. "Your eyes? Nothing. But I do need to know if you are the one we are currently looking for. All that is given to me is the fact that your house is in the deepest parts of the forest and that your eyes are different and pretty and that I am not permitted to look at it much because it would make you feel uncomfortable."

I glared at him instead this time. The man's wasting my time. "What do you want?"

"The crown. They are asking for your presence at once."

A simple mention of the crown would strike the heart of every villager in town. The crown is the King and the Queen of the land. The cruel monarch of this land I stand upon.

I stared at all the ridiculousness of the castle and rolled my eyes. All this gold that was mixed with steel used as the structure for the castle would've been enough to make their Kingdom rise higher than the others but of course, they won't give it to the people, no. They just have to use it on their castle walls.

How could they have an extravagant home if there wasn't any gold embedded in the walls? It would look like an absolute pigsty! Ridiculous!

I scoffed before slightly chuckling at my ability to amuse myself on my own. The guard by my side didn't seem to be amused since he was currently looking at me weirdly. He's probably even debating right now if I should be sane enough to be able to see his precious employers.

"They are in there." He motioned his head to the closed door before standing still beside it.

Not knowing the right ethics for meeting important people who have the capability of killing me with a snap of their fingers, I settled for not looking at the two people sitting on the elaborately decorated chairs. Instead, I focused on the entire room.

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