First Day at work

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3rd Pov:-

Percy Jackson, a young guy of 20,  proudly set foot into his office space, being greeted and congratulated by his colleagues as he walked through there with his chest puffed up with pride.

He stood beside his favourite person, Annabeth Chase. He saw she was soaked in her work and bent down to her ear level, "Hey", he whispered, and she squealed and jumped a foot in the air, her moveable chair skidding back a few inches and almost crushing Percy's foot.

"BY GOD-", He screamed. "Holy shit, I'm so so sorry, are you alright?", Annabeth asked, standing up and grabbing his shoulders to sturdy him.

"I would have been if you hadn't almost turned my foot to pulp", He winced,

"sorry", she said with a doubtful look on her face, what a great way to start the day.

"well it was also your fault, if you hadn't scared me like that, this never would have happened", she pointed out,

"so now we're arguing, huh?"

They snapped out of their weird conversation, to look around and see half the office giggling.

"Back to work. All of you", Percy snapped with a red face. (A/N yes, he was head of that particularly huge unit)

His whole team burst out laughing.

"Gods, these people are worse than middle school 8th graders", he sighed. (A/N let me tell you, middle school kids are  NOT to mess with, 8th and 7th grade being the deadliest out of others)

He shook his head and took his place at his desk which Annabeth on her right  and Jason on his left.

Jason patted his shoulder, looking at him with a knowing smile, "I get what you're going through"

"oh yeah? Do you?", Percy raised his eyebrows at him,

"Oh totally, me and piper took pretty long to get together, but our oblivion was-"

"Do shut up and get back to work Grace, I think I know where this is going", His face redder than the cherries he grew in his garden.

"aww, blushing, huh? if a little teasing can do that you, I wonder what would happen if I kissed you", she smirked.

"Leave him alone, will you? it's his first day after a loooonggg vacation, it's difficult to adjust, having to wake up at 5 again and all", Beckendorf piped in from behind us, "Besides, look at him, Mr. fire engine Jackson"  they looked over their shoulders, Percy giving him a look that said you're god sent bro, But, please, stop.

Beckendorf got up and clapped his back, smiling, He was a senior and a literal older brother to Percy.

"Let's go get coffee", he offered,

"Oh yes"

Percy's POV:

As I walked behind Beckendorf to the coffee machine, I looked over at Annabeth....and her recliner office chair.

I pulled her recliner's backrest drastically far back and she yelped and grabbed her desk for support. It was my time to grin.

Beckendorf and Jason looked at us and then smiled to each other.

"Jackson....I am so getting you back for this", she hissed, and oh the pleasure one can get just by annoying Annabeth Chase.

I chuckled and she huffed. "Laugh while you can, Jackson"

"Oh don't you love me, Chase?", She scoffed, "in your dreams, Jackson", I rolled my eyes.

"These two...", Jason said, rubbing his temples.

I rolled my eyes again.

"Percy? I thought  you needed coffee...?", Beckendorf asked, "Well, getting her mad, is better than coffee", I smirked, earning my self a glare from the scariest pair of grey eyes you will ever see.

"And this, is our department head, how wonderful", Annabeth spat in my direction, "It really is, isn't it, my lovely?"

"Fuck off Jackson, go pour that coffee down your filthy throat, I hope you burn your tongue"

"Well, then I'll get  a cup just to pour down your shirt, Chase-"

"Percy. Coffee.", Beckendorf looked pointedly at me.

"Oh, yeah, right", I smiled sheepishly, I went along, slapping the back of Annabeth's head in the process, and she slapped my arm back.

....(at the coffee machine)....

"Y'know Perce, that's not how you treat a woman", Beckendorf said after a sip from his mug,

"well if the woman was nice, I would've considered using my gentlemanly charms", I rolled my eyes.

"of coarse", Beckendorf scoffed.

Annabeth and me were sort of like Frenemies.....but we were just more of enemies, I guess she just put up with me because I was head of department. Even back at training, we'd loathed each other, the fights had been suppressed just a tiny little bit since we joined.

It wasn't always like this though, we first met when we were 12, Is it weird I still remember the time we first made eye contact? like, well, don't tell her I said this, but  I literally thought she was a princess with those gorgeous golden curls of hers.

We talked quite less at first, but we began hanging out, she lived right across the street from me, same school as well.

We were best friends, for about almost 2 years, absolutely inseparable....

But then something happened...something I don't exactly remember, it was too hazy of a memory.

But then she started hanging out with her other friends more than me and vice versa.

And then something snapped. In both of us. then there was a lot of yelling and screaming, it just wasn't your usual picture of pleasant.

Then we turned into arch enemies.

I didn't like any of this. I kinda even wanted my old life back, with her in the image, but what's gone is gone, I guess.....

Beckendorf snapped is fingers in front of my face.

" your coffee's getting cold", he said, gesturing to the mug in my hand.

"oh-right, uh yeah", I downed it like orange juice.

"So, what's on your mind? care to share?", Beckendorf piped in.

"Dude...I, well, I don't really know- I mean, Annabeth and I- we, you know, when we were kids and all-", I tried to speak and failed miserably.

Beckendorf laughed. He fucking laughed.

"are you for real right now?", I asked him, my face burning.

He laughed harder.

"okay, fine, I'll get going, see you later, probably a month later, but who cares-", I turned around and started walking and he was still laughing. Colleagues just aren't supportive at all sometimes.

That was my first day. Hopefully the rest of them are better. With having to practically live with these people is impossible. You'd know if you were me.

Well, Hi, I'm Percy Jackson reporting, as you would probably know by now.


Hey Guys! this is me, Yash, writing here. 

Some of you might know me from my other story 'Just us: A Percabeth One-Shot Collection'

And this is my new story, a thriller, cause there are too less of them out there, so, hope you enjoy it!

And let me already tell you, I'm not too regular at updating.

And feel free to correct me and suggest ideas, constructive criticism is most welcome.


Yash. XOXO.

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