His Place

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Annabeth's POV:

We started going the opposite direction. I had been to his house once or twice before, when we were about 12-13 years old. He used to live with his mother, Sally Jackson, Yeah, she was that nice that I still remember her name and face after all these years, I secretly hope she does the same for me.

"So...do you live alone?", I asked him.

"Yeah, I got my own apartment when I turned 19", He said, surprisingly calm enough, "Though my mom visits at least twice a week", He chuckled, and that made me remember how he used to smirk at me, the one I'd slowly grown to love overtime, but then he started annoying me, and we fell apart, we might have been somewhere else today if it wasn't for that.

"Is she visiting today?", I asked, I seriously wanted to see Sally now.

"Oh, yeah she is", those four words brought a huge smile to my face.

"Excited much?", He looked over at me, 

"Oh yes, your mom is such a nice lady, I don't know how you two are mother and son", I said sarcastically, that made him laugh.

"Oh, yeah? you think so? Well Estelle's also her daughter and she's pure evil", He remarked, his sister, who would be about 15 now, I think, I thought was the best.

"Don't talk about her like that, she's so much better than you, you stuck up, snotty little shit", I said, in her defence,

"Oh please"

"You're impossible"

"You did not just start that- You're insufferable"

"You're brain's full of seaweed!"

"Yours is full of....uh, Books!", I burst out laughing,

"That's seriously the best you could come up with?"

"Suck it up, Chase"

"You're still kinda the same you know", I told him, and it was true, after all, but except for the fact that he put on that cold, emotionless attitude that hid away his actual amazing self from the world, I know you wouldn't think I hate him by the way I'm talking, but honestly? I'm not too fond of him either.

"Well, duh, I've got the same soul as 7 years ago", He scoffed,

"I meant it Percy, and if you think you're not worth-", I began, but was cut off soon after.

"Well, If you do look closely, I'm 6'3, and I've been working out", he says, flexing his biceps, I slapped him upside the head.

"Oh, yeah, I bet, I'm pretty sure you're still just about 5'8", I scoffed, now that kinda offended him.

"Excuse me? Miss 5 foot", He spat.

"Well, geez", We both ended up laughing after that,

"Y'know, you've not really changed either", He said

"oh, You know, I've also grown, I'm 6 foot tall", I joked,

"Oh, sure"

I didn't even notice, but we'd reached, he pulled the car into the driveway and stepped out, and shouted to me, "D'you need special invitation to ask you to step out?"

"No need to shout dude, you'll wake up half the country"

"Pfft, as if"

We got to his apartment and he rung the bell,

"Hold on a moment!", someone said from the inside. A moment later, I heard the clicking sound of the lock opening, and the door swung open, revealing Sally.

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