At the Scene

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Annabeth's POV:

Percy had called up the team at 1 am to tell us about an article that was likely a prank. What a great way to lose sleep.

I don't think the guy knows what is sleep, like, who's looking through the news at 1 am any way?

but, since work comes first, I had to get going.

I pulled on a thin sweater, put on my boots and grabbed my phone rushed out the door to my car. 

I pushed tried starting my Tata Nexon, but it just won't budge. Great, I'm out of petrol too.

I called the first person on my recents list. Which happened to be Percy Jackson. I tried cutting off the connection, but apparently, he picked. Oh Dear Gods...

"What do want and why are you calling me?", he asked hurriedly,

"Geez, dude, calm down, I just randomly called up the first person on-", I started explaining, but got interrupted.

"Fine, Fine, why are you calling any one at all? I thought I told everyone to rush to the sight?", he said, a tad bit gently.

"umm, my car ran out of Petrol....", I said, blushing, thank the fates he could not see me.

"What?!?!", he exclaimed,

"it's not that unbelievable", I said.

"Do you....uh, need me to pick you up?", he asked, I blushed harder, the person I hated the most had to pick me up. 

"Yeah, I guess you'll have to", I said.

"stay where you are", he said and disconnected the call.

I sighed and sat down on a nearby bench. A cold wind blew and I came to realise how cold it really was as a shiver ran through me.

As much as I hate to admit it, Percy Jackson was a good friend, maybe not mine, but in general, he was. I, in all honesty, never knew why we keep arguing, he could prove to be a genuinely sweet person. But, me being me, wasn't going to admit that to anyone. He'd have to be late because of me today, and I despised that fact, but I was not going to admit that either, I don't say sorry.

A Black Fortuner Legender pulled up in front of me and the window rolled down, revealing Percy's face.

 "Get in", he said.

I got up, and got in, he didn't have the heater on, making the car pretty cold. I sneezed. I freaking sneezed. A few sniffs following after. Ugh.

"Are you cold?", he asked, sounding genuinely concerned, I never heard him speak to me in this tone, but I kind of did find it endearing.

"No, just drive Percy", I said, coldly. For a hot second, he looked pretty let down, and I almost felt sorry, but he resumed his cold attitude not a moment later. But he did turn on the heater.

"Thanks", I blurted out, almost silently.

"What for?", he asked, innocence lacing his deep voice.

"For picking me up, and well, for turning on the heater", I said, my cheeks going red as I looked away from him.

"So, you were cold after all, huh?", he said, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

" no I wasn't", I retorted, I could have come up with a better come back, but, the words tumbled out of my mouth.

He chuckled. "Still stubborn, I see", I huffed.

We drove in silence the rest of the way, it wasn't awkward though, it felt like I've known him my whole life, and technically, I have.

.........3o MiNuTeS lAtEr........

We reached the crime scene. Or should I call it a crime scene? but anyway.

Everyone had reached before we did, obviously, because he had to pick me up, everyone let out gasps stronger than the ones when they read the news when they saw us stepping out of the same car. I couldn't blame them, really.

"What?", Percy asked, no sign of emotion in his voice. That made me remember what a cheerful little kid he used to be. A small, sad smile made its way onto my face. I brushed that off quickly.

"Well, would you look at that? THE Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase stepping out of the same car?", Piper cooed.

"Shut up Pipes" I told her, not paying any heed to her comment.

"Explain, Perce, now", Beckendorf demanded.

"What? there's nothing to 'explain', Beckendorf, her car ran out of petrol and she needed a lift so I helped a fellow officer out, that's all", He said.

After that, everyone got to work, thank the gods.

"Try and pry open the tomb, maybe we'll find something", Percy instructed, and the rest followed, I just....stood there, for some reason.

"And you?", he asked me, and I blushed, knowing I probably was of no work right now.

"W-what? there are enough people prying open the tomb, what do I have to do?', I said, stating facts. 

"No, you're right", he said, "Wanna go get coffee in the meanwhile?", he asked me, the guy was absolutely obsessed with coffee, he always has a cup in hand.

"Yeah, sure", I said, Wait.....I was supposed to hate him, that voice spoke in my head... 

but since I really needed to be awake, I casually ignored it and walked into a nearby Starbucks behind Percy.

So, That was me, Annabeth Chase, Reporting, I guess you should know me by now, and that's all for today, see you next chapter!


Hey Guys! I know the ending sucks, but trust me, I have a lot on my mind.

Love, Yash, xoxo


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