Chapter Three: God Turned Mortal pt2/2(fix)

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This the second part from the last chapter and I might do two chapters in one chapter in this book but I don't know yet it. This going be another long chapter for the next chapter today I can just feel it. Now enjoyed this chapter of the book and have an amazing day! The next chapter will be a bit late because I have plans today with my family so the next chapter will be late!

The elevator door opened and there inside it was Jun Wu, Pain, and Panic. "Pain." He began talking. "Ah!" Pain said. "Panic." "Egh?" Panic replied. "I got a little riddle for ya." Jun Wu began talking once more then he walked out of the elevator and Pain and Panic followed behind him. "How do you kill a god?" He asked them. "I do not..know!" Pain replied to his question. "You can't. They're immortal!" Panic answered correctly. "Bingo! They're immortal!" Jun Wu responds to Panic. Then he went grab a bottle that is pink with a skull lid that is pink as well and he held it in his hand. "So first you have to turn the little sunspot...Mortal." Jun Wu said with a smirk on his face with a little chuckle.

It's night in the Heavens. The sky is dark with bright shining stars in the sky showing their beauty in the night sky. The moon glows giving light to the creature. Lang Qianqiu and Hǔ sleeping peacefully together in the bed. Pain and Panic went towards the bed making sure not to wake up Lang from his sleeping state. Meanwhile Tai and Shi are sleeping soundly with each other until they hear the sound of glass breaking. Tai began to wake up and he is still a bit sleepy. "Huh? What?" He said tiredly. "What is it?" Shi said as well. Both of them gasped and their eyes widened in shock and now fully awake. "The baby!" They both yelled at the same time. Both of them got out of bed and dash towards their baby boy and only to see Hǔ suck and Lang Qianqiu missing from the bed. Shi went towards the now broken bed and went on her knees. "Lang Qianqiu! No!" She cried while Tai stood next to her, clearly angry that his son got kidnapped by someone. "Nooo!" He said letting out a roar.

Pain and Panic is now holding a baby Lang in their hands and is flying down from the Heavens. "Now we did it!" Panic said in worry. "Tai is gonna use us for target practice!" Panic continued his worry about what is going to happen next if Then found out that they took his baby boy. "Just hang onto the kid! Panic!" Pain yelled at his coworker and was annoyed by his panicking. They hit onto a tree making them fall on the ground and now Lang Qianqiu is crying. Panic went to the baby. "Hurry!" Panic exclaimed. "Let's just kill the kid and get this over with okay?" He continued while rushing Pain to finish this up. "Here you go kid," Pain said while getting the formula that can make a god turned mortal then he went towards the baby. "A little grecian formula." Pain finished while putting the bottle into the baby mouth and Lang started drinking it.

"Look at that!" Panic exclaimed then he pointed at Lang and saw that the baby was turning mortal. "He's...changing! Can we do it now?" He asked Pain while holding his excitement. "No,No,No!" Pain said while shaking his head. "He has to drink the whole potion!" He explained to Panic. "Every last drop!" He added. "Who's there?" Said a man then Pain and Panic screamed and Pain took the bottle out of the baby's mouth. He and Panic run away from the baby and the bottle drips on the floor breaking it. The broken bottle only had one drop of the potion and luckily Lang did not finish the last drop. (A/N: I'm not explaining what Xie Lian and Hua Cheng look like.)

"Gege! Look over here!" Hua Cheng called out for his husband. Xie Lian went towards him and gasped that it was a little baby on the ground. He went towards the baby and went on his knees. " poor thing." Xie Lian said with sadness in his voice. "Oh don't cry." He picked up the baby in his arms and got up from the ground. "Is anybody there?" Hua Cheng said to make sure if someone is watching them or not. Pain and Panic is behind a rock. "Now?" Panic asked. "Now." Pain replied with an evil smile. They went off their hiding spot and slowly walked towards them then slowly turned into snakes. "He must have been abandoned." Hua Cheng said to Xie Lian his lover. "Hua Cheng for so many years we've prayed to the gods to bless us with a child." Xie Lian explained to Hua Cheng who looked at the golden medal around the baby's neck.

"Perhaps they've answered our prayers." Xie Lian continued talking to Hua Cheng with a soft voice. "Perhaps they have." Hua Cheng answered. "Lang Qianqiu?" He said when he flipped the golden metal around to see the baby named on the back of it. When Xie Lian turned around he saw two snakes behind him and gasped with his eyes wide open in shock. Then Lang grabbed both of the snakes by the neck and was giggling then began hitting them on the ground with his hands still on their neck then he tied them together in a knot. Hua Cheng held Xie Lian close to him while looking at the baby.

Lang Qianqiu began spinning them around and with his strength he let go and both Pain and Panic went flying away in their snake form and they landed somewhere far away from them. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian looked down at the baby in shock and speechless about what they had witnessed. Lang was just giggling and gave them a little wave then looked at Hua Cheng and Xie Lian with an innocent face.

Pain and Panic landed somewhere on the mountain and went back to normal forms and began getting each other out of the knot that Lang put them in. Both of them yelled help multiple times while getting untangled when they got out of the tangled mess Panic began to panic. "Jun Wu is gonna kill us! If he finds out what happened!" He yelled with worry in his tone. "You mean if he finds out." Pain told him while giving Panic an idea. "Of course he's gonna f-." Panic stops for a moment and realizes what Pain meant by if he's found out about what happened then he begins to nod his head. "If...if is good." Panic repeated it while Lain smiled.

"It was tragic.." Mu Qing began speaking with a low and sad tone in his voice. It showed Tai Ordered all of the gods to find his son. "Tai led all the gods on a frantic search." Xuan spoke with sadness. "But by the time they found the baby, it was too late." Shi Qingxuan spoke with a low tone.(A/N: Imagine sad music in the background.) "Young Lang was mortal now." Feng Xin began singing with sadness. "But since he did not drink the last drop." He continued singing. "He still retained his godlike strength." Shi Qingxuan sang with a sad tone in his singing. "So thank his lucky stars!" He Xuan sang. "Tell it girl." Shi Qingxuan said to him. "But Tai and Shi wept." Feng Xin continued the story while singing. "Because their son could never come home." Mu Qing continued. "They've had to watch their precious baby." Mu Qing continued singing. "Grow up from afar!" Feng Xin interrupted him while singing."

It showed a painting of Hua Cheng, Xie Lian, and Lang Qianqiu in a house and Xie Lian sitting down on a chair while holding up baby Lang and Hua Cheng stood behind him. Now they are walking in a line passing a painting of Jun Wu. "Though Jun Wu had a horrid plan!" Shi Qingxuan sang sadly and they all moved away from his painting. "Was hatched before Lang cut his first tooth!" He Xuan sang. Now there is a painting of Lang Qianqiu, Hua Cheng, and Xie Lian. Lang is holding up the house getting his ball from underneath it and Hua Cheng is in shock because of this and Xie Lian is inside the house. "The Boy grew stronger every day!" Feng Xin sang with pride and sadness.

"And that's the gospel truth." They all sang together. They move out of the way and there is a painting of sheep and hills and trees. The sheep were eating grass from the hills.


That is it for this chapter! I just got from a BBQ with my family and I'm tired and hot so I will see you in the chapter later on in the day!

See you later readers!

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