a short story i wrote about two bees

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I thought I'd share this story I wrote a couple months ago while i was struggling through an incredibly difficult time - even though I did already upload it to another book I have on here but I don't think that matters.

Sending lots of love to anyone that might need it right now.

"The Bumble Bee and the Honey Bee"

Deep in a thicket spotted forest, lived a bumble bee. This bumble bee's home was a hive part of an old abandoned birds' nest. The chicks had departed last spring.

Being a bumble bee, she was not able to sting like other bees could. In fact, she was not menacing whatsoever, only a weak, harmless little bumble bee. How this bumble bee longed to be just like the others, burdened with jealousy day after day.

On one particular flight through her forest, the bumble bee came across a peculiar sight. A honey bee, sitting on a leaf all alone. The bumble bee joined the honey bee.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" Asked the bumble bee.

"Life is tough. I needed to get away." Replied the honey bee. He sniffed, it looked like he had been crying.

The bumble bee looked confused, she told him, "But you are a honey bee. You have a stinger. You are strong."

He looked at her. "Just because I have a stinger, does not mean I am strong."

"What do you mean? I thought honey bees were supposed to be strong."

The honey bee motioned for the bumble bee to follow him up and above the trees so that they hovered over the forest together.

"See over there?" He pointed towards a clearing not so far away. There were rows of strangely shaped boxes along a hillside. The bumble bee had not noticed them there before. The honey bee continued, "That's my home. I live in one of those hives."

The bumble bee frowned. She never knew bees could live in a hive like that. "You live there?"

"It's where the humans keep us to collect our honey," said the honey bee, "and when they do, they wear long suits. Do you know why that is?"

"Because they know you can sting."

He nodded. "To keep us away. To them we are dangerous."

"But you are strong aren't you?"

"Not always. Not more than once."

The bumble bee had never heard of this before. A honey bee who is unhappy with their ability to sting.

"But all my life," she told him, "I have wished to be as fierce as you, I have wished to have your strength."

"Being dangerous is not all it is cracked up to be." The honey bee looked down in defeat. "I wish I could be looked at how you are looked at."

"I don't think you are dangerous." She smiled at him. Suddenly she had an idea. "I'll tell you what, I can share some of my harmlessness with you. Even though you have a stinger, that is not all that you are. You deserve some love too."

The honey bee smiles back. "And I will give you some of my strength. Just because you don't have a stinger, doesn't mean you aren't tough, bumble bee."

Suddenly the bumble bee felt as if she had the courage to do anything, she felt the honey bee's strength. And the honey bee felt warmth and love for the first time, he then knew what it felt like to be loved.

The End


I think I'll work on expanding this story in the future but for now I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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