Yellow shines

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4 walks towards the castle feeling upset, 3 was acting off lately... but it's probably just a coincidence...

He entered his room and flopped onto the bed. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong... he just couldn't.


"I-I'm... dying" the words cut deep in his chest... he was going to die just because of someone he likes?

Well... he did already know who it was but was to embarrassed.

It was-

Egg dog barked at his owner, asking whats wrong.

"Sorry eggdog.. not now." He stood up and cracked his back before cleaning up the mess he made all over the sink.

He was dead silent, not even a swoosh of the air could be heard. He looked up to see the mirror.

His eyes almost drained from colour stared back at him. 'I need to shave, fuck' thought SMG3.

After shaving, he laid oh his bed and check the time on his phone.

'12:54pm' it read. Eggdog jumped on the bed and sat at the edge of the mattress.

SMG3 put his phone down to try to sleep. But something was keeping him up...


"No texts... no calls, no uploads, fuck"

it was 3:40am and SMG4 was scrolling on 3's profile on every platform but nothing changed...

He eventually gave up and threw his phone in anger, thankfully beeg caught it and started to chew at it.

4 didn't care.

He got up, threw on some shorts and hoodie and then dashed out to SMG3.

Something was happening to him... he knew it.

As he got closer to the Starbucks, he saw Karen outside and decided to ask her for help.

"Karen! Is something wrong with 3? He's been really weird these past few days..."

"No. But he did mention him being sick but that's it"

'A illness?' He thought then he remembered, he heard coughing the day he ran... "why didn't he tell me?!" He dashed further to 3's Starbucks

"You better be fucking okay..."


'I'm not okay' I thought as I stood up, ready for the next level of the sickness that was running up my throat.

I dashed to the toilet and began to vomit yellow rays of blood... 'these where coming even quicker then i thought, the illness is already catching up to me'

I vomited more and more until...

"3? Where are you?!" 'That voice.'


I was trying to clean up the mess I spilled all over the bathroom floors and toilet but it was too late...


I stare back with piercing eyes

                                "It hurts...."


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