Lost Then Found By Werewolves- chp 13

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Chapter 13: A Voice

I've been stuck in my room for two days now going on three resting and healing, I'm completely bored. So I decided to get up out of my bed and go down stairs then as I was getting up Snowy stared at me.

"Can you help me downstairs please Snowy?"

"But you were told to rest and heal"

"Well if you don't want to help I'll just go down on my own which will begin to open the hole again"

That worked (score 1 for me 0 the world) Snowy started getting up and then let me lean on her as soon as Eliza saw me when I got to the bottom of the stairs she told me to go back up and rest.

"But I was bored, I've run out of things to do and I don't know any good games to play on my laptop"

"Fine I'll bring you a pack of cards just go back upstairs and rest"

"You do know that if I go back up there I'll just get bored again and I'll jump out the window"

So she let me stay downstairs (2 me:world 0) I asked where Beowulf was because I hadn't seen him this morning and Eliza told me he had gone out with Jackson to get the groceries. I was surprised to hear that because Jackson was the one who told me he thought Bey was strange, so she told me that they wanted to get to know each other better for my sake. So I decided I'd go for a walk in the forest Eliza asked me where I was going so I told her then said if Jackson or Beowulf come back and ask where I am to tell them.


(Beowulf's P.O.V.)

I had woken up this morning to get ready to do the groceries with Jackson we thought it was best to get to know each other for Jasmine. When I got dressed I began walking to Jasmine's room to tell her where we were going but when I opened the door she was still sleeping so I let her be. When I got downstairs Jackson was waiting for me in his 4WD so I got in and he drove off we didn't talk much on the drive there but when we started shopping we got to know each other so much better.

After we had gotten all the shopping we went home, we talked the whole trip he did most of the talking and boy did he talk, I couldn't wait to go see Jasmine. We got home then I dumped some of the groceries in the kitchen and ran straight upstairs to see Jasmine, but to my surprise she wasn't there and neither was Snowy. So I ran back downstairs and asked Eliza where she was, the forest why would Eliza let her walk in the forest by herself. When I finally found her she looked dead her head was laying on Snowy's stomach and she wasn't moving. So I ran over to her as fast as I could worrying.


(Jasmine's P.O.V.)

"Jasmine!" I heard someone yelling as they were shaking me so I opened my eyes "your alive are you alright"

"Yeah I was until you woke me up, lay down next to me"

So Snowy got up because she wasn't going to let two people lay on her then Bey laid next to me and we both gazed up into the sky for a while talking. Then a flock of blue birds flew above our heads they were so pretty.

"Don't you wish you could fly Bey?"

"Yeah I use to until I first shifted into a werewolf and realised how fun that was, why?"

"Ugh, that hurts you forgot about me" I heard a mysterious female voice say

"Did you hear that Bey?"

"Here what?"

"The voice!"

"Jasmine he cant hear me I'm in your head remember" the voice said again, then sounding surprised "you don't remember I thought you head seemed a bit muddled"

"Get out of my head! Who are you!?" I screamed in pain because I was getting a headache.

We argued for a short while longer then it hit me, another memory.


(Jasmine's Memory)

There was a girl in a torn black dress and torn black tights, with black combat boots on her hair was tied back in a ponytail it was black with purple streaks and behind her she had a pair of ginormous black feathery wings. She looked like she was waiting for someone, then a boy came out of a whole filled with water he had dark blue hair.

"Took you long enough I've been waiting for ages" the girl said

"Well sorry, wait who are you anyway?"

"I'm hurt you don't know me"

"Sorry I don't know an other dark angels"

"Im Miau (me-a-oo) Dark, Princess of the dark angels"

"Well I'm sorry your highness" he said sarcastically as he bowed

"Don't be sarcastic I know you don't care and neither do I"

Then it skipped a whole chunk because next thing I knew she flew into a room through the window and then shifted into me! Thats when the memory ended and I returned to reality.


(Jasmine's P.O.V.)

When I came to it was getting dark and Bey was there with my memory book and a pen so I wrote down the memory then my headache started to come back along with the voice.

"So do you remember who I am now" the voice asked evilly I could just imagine an evil grin on her face.

"Go away!" I yelled

"Jasmine is it the voice again" Bey looked worried now

I nodded.

"I asked you a question so answer me!" She yelled again

"Yes its Miau, Princess of the dark angel's now go away"

My headache then began to become a pain through my whole body, my body felt like it was burning I was on the ground screaming in pain and straight away Bey was by my side. Then Snowy was on the other my back started to burn even more than the rest of me then a pair of black feathery wings started to grow from my back. Then my hair began to change colour and I told Bey and Snowy to get away then I blacked out.


Sorry if there was to much talking but I hope you liked it so please comment or vote maybe give me some ideas that I might include.

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