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Bell rings and all students bowed and left the classroom

Jk waves to yn and she too waves him back

Jk and his hyungs were going to home as jk was smiling continously without a break all were worried about him a Lil bit

Jin : bunny Y r u smiling too much today

V : *in loud deep voice * jungkookshi~

Jk : * come back to sense* ha haa?

V : jin hyung asked asked smtg

Jk : hyung tell me...

Jin : y r u smiling too much tdy

Jk : *though of yn and started to smile again*

All : jungkookshi~

Jk : ntg * ran off to home*

All were wooried abt him but v was kinda looked angry on him


All were chatting in their group as their night routine and jk used to crack jokes sometimes which wasn't funny at all and tdy he was online but not respond at all coz he was staring at yn pic which he took while he was speaking he was continously looking at yn's face without blinking his eyes and he though of him proposing her and he being accepted, brought a broad smile on his face. And all the hyungs were worried again that's why RM hyung called him and he was still with his broad smile on his face

Jk's dad : jk baby take ur phone it's ringing like anything

But he was so immersed in seeing her that he couldn't heard his dad's voice

His dad came to room and shouted TAKE UR PHONE JK

He come back to sense and took phone while call hanged up he dialed again his hyungs phone and hyung picked up


RM : y r u not replying the msgs

Jk : hyung I slept with phone tured on so I couldn't reply

RM : v all were so worried u know

Jk : sorry hyung

RM : don't do this again

Jk : ok sry again hyung

RM : ok bye....

Jk : bye hyung


Jk : hyungs I'm sorry I slept so I didn't reply u all btw RM hyung wake me up by his call so don't worry hyungs I'm good

All : that's a relief

JM : u always make all us tensed

Jk : hyung I said Na I'm sorry I will not repeat

All : promise

Jk : promise 🤞...

All : okay good boy....

Jk : good night hyungs 😴

All : Good night my boy😊


All members except jk gathered at their fav spot and went to school and they waited for jk to come with them so they were waiting for him at diversion

Again jk was coming with a smile which wasn't normal at all

Suga : wt happened to you jungk--

Girl : op-- (that will be too much *in mind*) jkk....


We were about to ask him suddenly a sweet and cute voice came from back screaming "jkkkk.." we got to know the reason behind smiles and jk eyes wide and turned back with happiness and waved to her

Since she Was to far we couldn't recognize her so we all smiled in proud way and thinking that our jksshi now grew up


After a while she was at visible range and everyone her and their smile faded slowly and left in shock and lightly in pain which wasn't visible on their faces

Jk : hiee frienidieee

Yn : hi jkieee

Jk : wanna go to school with us???

Yn :......

Jk : oh I almost forgot. Oh they are my hyungs

Yn : oh!! Hire hyungs!!

( actually yn saw 2 bro's when she was young calling hyungs so she call her bro as hyungs and her beloved as oppa)

BTS except jk : HYUNGS!!!???

yn : nevermind
Btw I'm kim yn

RM jin v : *in mind* : noo need to change your name after ma--

Jk : wanna go to school with us now

Yn : hah! op-- yes jkk

Jk : what u said I heard u said op--

Yn : let's gooo or else we will be late...


I was sleeping peacefully suddenly alarm disturbed my sleep and when I saw time I was Lil late so I suddenly got up and finished my morning routine and left home as soon as I reached halfway I realized that I forgot my tie but as I was on way I igroed and went..


JM : where is your tie?? *in mind*(cutie)

YN : aishhh I forgot cuz I was late

JM : u can take mine.. (winks)

Suddenly a tie was landed from behind and he come front and adjusted it up to her height

Yn : jkshii

Jk : ha me

Yn : wt abt u then

Jk : nah!! It's okay *in mind*(sweetheart anything for u)

Yn : u know the punishment Na??

Jk : yah but it's fine

Jin * removed his tie ad handed to jk as he refused he took his hand and smashed on his hand *

Jk : hyung pls take I'm fine I can't let u take my punishment * places tie on him back *

Suddenly bell rings they were in front of school and all quickly ran to their respective classes and sat on benches and jk hided his uniform with jacket

As yn was new to school her place was alloted so her teacher made to sit up in 2nd row 5 bench beside a boy who was laying his head on bench

Yn : excuse me??

??? : yess * he tured towards her*

Yn : * surprised * jkkk!!!

Jk : oh hii

Yn : * smiles* btw Y r u wearing jacket

Jk : coz I don't wanna run at playground as punishment coz I don't have tie.....

Yn : I m so sorry

Jk : it's okay (*in mind* swettieee)

Yn : I will wash it and give it to u tmr

Jk : no need of that u can give me no problem

Yn : but I --

Teacher : so class listen * continues teaching*

Jk was staring at Herr without she begin noticed and thinks

Jk : *in mind* when she will be mine when shall I call her jeon yn *smiles again*



So this the longest part I have written
Pls vote and comment how story iss....

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