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Jk : actually dad yesterday I *explains all *

Dad : oh no was she alright

Jk : yah dad . I actually wanted to tell u at that time it was late already so I didn't

Dad : it's ok at least u informed me now I'm glad

Jk : okay dad I will leave now u take some rest* was about to live room but his stopped him*

Dad : wait jungkook-ah I want to speak with you



Jk : had dad tell me what's matter

Dad : actually due to my business trip I have to go to states for some months so...

Jk : okay u can go without any worries

Dad : how can I leave u alone

Jk : no dad! I will call hyungs too live with me till u r back

Dad : that's fine then I can go without any worries

Jk : bye dad

Jk goes back to his room and opens his phone and starts to msg his hyungs

Jin : guys free? I have plan

All (except jk) : yes,!

Jin : yah jk where r u

RM : maybe somewhere

SG : maybe his father scolded him

JH : maybe hehe🤣

V : jungkookshiiii

JM : jungkook-ah

Jk : ha hyungs I'm here my father told me

SG : see I knew it he got scoldings

Jk : no hyung

SG : what then

Jk : can all u guys come to my home my dad........... (explains) ( cuz I'm bored to type hehe)

SG : oww see our lil boy scared of being alone

V : yeah jk be careful ghost may come and take u away

JN : see our boy is not grew up, made a girlfriend but still a small baby

JM : u r right he still a baby

SG : don't forget u r too

Jk : haha can u stop this I'm calling u all coz dad told me okay, I'm not scared of ghosts

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