
555 12 6

Trigger warnings :

Self harm, suicidal thoughts, abuse, upsetting thoughts about self-image, alcoholism.

Ages :

Autumn - 16 years old
Reece - 17 years old
Mia - 17 years old
Roger - 38 years old
Winter - 17 years old
Marjorie - 17 years old
Charlotte - 16 years old
Sorscha - 16 years old
Carly - 13 years old


About this story -

Mia, Reece and Autumn all live together and they attempt to escape Roger's abuse. Reece and Marjorie are close friends but aren't dating yet. Autumn and Winter are best friends and they love each other, however they haven't started dating yet either. Mia used to date Reece until she came to terms with her sexuality, she now has a huge crush on her close friend, Charlotte, but Charlotte is in denial about her own sexuality. Charlotte's friends don't approve of Mia, but Charlotte can't seem to stay away from her, knowing Mia isn't as bad as everyone else thinks she is

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