7. Your dad is always mad

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First of all, I wanted to say a big thank you to Miasdarling29  for giving me ideas for upcoming chapters. I haven't had the motivation to write lately (you probably have noticed, updates have been soooo slow 🤣) but I finally put this chapter together after procrastinating and putting it off for over a month! ..


'Your dad is always mad' — Seven - Taylor Swift


The early morning sunlight shone through the gap in the curtains in Charlotte's bedroom, warmth soaking into the girls' skin. It beamed onto Charlotte's face, causing her to stir. She yawned, sitting up and opening her eyes then squinting at the sudden brightness.

She huffed and lay back down, not wanting to wake Mia, who was curled up and still fast asleep, her head peacefully lying on Charlotte's lap. Grabbing for the her phone to check the time, Charlotte sighed. It read 9:45A.M. She shut her eyes again, wanting to catch up on the sleep she'd missed during the past few nights, when suddenly a buzzing sound came from beside her.

She glanced at her bedside table to see Mia's phone vibrating— she was getting a call. Charlotte stroked Mia's hair gently, not wanting to disturb her sleep but having to as this call may be important.

"Hm?" Mia sighed, sitting up and stretching her arms out. She groaned at the sudden light intensity that momentarily blinded her.

"Morning sunshine." Charlotte beamed, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Sorry to wake you. You're getting a call."

Mia grabbed her phone, not looking at who was calling and pressed answer. She was met with loud, booming voice scolding her from the other end of the phone.

"Mia, what the fuck have you done with my children?"

Charlotte could hear Roger's anger coming from Mia's phone and grabbed her hand instantly to soothe her.

Mia rolled her eyes, "Roger, what on earth do you mean?"

"They aren't home. You better stop playing these stupid games, Amelia."

"They're probably at the library or something, calm down. Why don't you sober yourself up a bit, yeah? Let the siblings have some peace?" Mia snapped, obviously not going to rat the siblings out to Roger.

"Fine. But you better find them and make sure they're home within an hour, and I mean it Amelia."

Mia just hung up the phone and let out a loud sigh. She leaned over to rest her head on Charlotte's shoulder as Charlotte rubbed her back softly. "You okay baby?"

"Mhm. I don't know how I'm going to tell him I'm moving out... He'll hardly let me , Char. I'm only 17, I don't know anything about whether this is even legal."

"We'll find a way. Your birthday's only 24 days away, right?"

Mia's eyebrows furrowed and she glanced up to look into Charlotte's eyes, calculating the number of days until her birthday in her head. "Yeah, it is... You keep count?"

Charlotte just blushed, shrugging innocently. "Your birthday's important to me."

Mia just hummed in response, snuggling closer to Charlotte.

Their moment was interrupted yet again by Reece knocking on Charlotte's bedroom door. "Char, Mia? Our dad has just called looking for us.. We avoided the question though. Anyway, besides the point— We need to start planning."

"Come in," Mia shouted.

Reece opened the door and walked in, smiling at the sight of the pair holding each other. Autumn followed behind him and Mia gestured for her to jump in bed beside her. She huddled into Mia's side, rubbing her eyes, enveloping Mia's warmth that she radiated only for her two favourite girls.

"So, a plan..." Charlotte started as Reece sat down at the end of the bed.

"Yeah. It's not going to be easy, but first of all, we need all the help we can get. Legally, dad still has custody of me and Aut until we're both 18. And he doesn't have custody of Mia, but she's 18 soon too anyway. I've met Marjorie's parents, I'm sure you have too Char, and you know they're lovely. I'm sure they'd be willing to help us."

The three girls nodded understandably and began thinking of their own ideas.

"I suppose the first step would be me telling Roger I'll be moving in with Charlotte." Mia began fiddling with her thumbs, clearly nervous.

"That would mean we'd have to get home soon to let him know. He's going away for a few days on a business trip and he's leaving tonight. He wouldn't have long to punish us if he has to be somewhere; he'd never be late for a business meeting." Autumn spoke, ideas pouring out of her mouth.

"Well? Let's go." Mia hopped out of bed, helping Char up.

"Mia, wait. Are you sure about this?" Charlotte's weary eyes searched Mia's face for any uncertainty but she found none. Mia just nodded and squeezed Charlotte's hand to reassure her.

"Okay then. Let's go do this." Reece nodded, leading the way out of Charlotte's house.

"How did you two get here... Hey!" Mia snapped when she realised they'd taken her motorbike.

"Sorry," Reece cringed. "Should've asked."

Mia shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Let's take Char's car, leave my bike here for now." She ran her hand along its handles, admiring its beauty. "I'll be back for you." she pouted, speaking to her beloved motorbike.

They all got into Charlotte's car and Charlotte agreed to let Reece drive. Autumn sat in the front seat beside Reece whilst Mia and Char were in the back, hands interlocked. As Reece began to drive off, the only thing that the four could thing of was that they hoped this would go well, or else this may be the last time they'd ever be together in a happy environment.

Autumn turned on the radio and cranked up the volume, 'Sound of the Underground' blasting out of the speakers. Charlotte giggled and leaned her head on Mia's shoulder while Mia stroked her hair and Autumn and Reece both mouthed the lyrics, unable to hold in their laughter.

If this didn't go how they planned it to, this would probably be the last time they'd be truly happy. So they savoured the moment, really treasuring it, never wanting to forget it.


A/N: Sorry for the delay again.... this wasn't  proof read 😅 I'll try to write as much as I can when I get the spark of motivation to, I have a few more chapters planned out thanks again to Miasdarling29 !!

Thanks for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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