4. Cross my heart

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TWs - mentions of: self harm, abuse, non-consensual actions


Cross my heart won't tell no other.

When they arrived at Charlotte's house, Reece woke the pair up. Charlotte handed him her house keys and he unlocked her front door as Mia guided Charlotte into her house.

"I'll take it from here. Thank you, Reecey. Seriously." Mia smiled honestly, still holding on to Charlotte.

"Anytime. I'm, uh, staying at Marjorie's tonight, and Autumn's staying with a friend. I'll text you if dad texts me." Reece rubbed the back of his neck, still embarrassed that Mia caught him and Marjorie making out earlier.

"Reece, don't be embarrassed. You and Marjorie are perfect for each other, it's cute." Mia giggled.

"I'm ... glad you think so? Anyway, I'll see you."

"Stay safe." Mia spoke in a serious tone. Reece nodded before handing Charlotte's keys over to Mia and leaving the house.

Mia locked the doors and led Charlotte up to her room. She'd been here many times, but this time she felt nervous. Afraid. Scared she'd do something stupid.

Charlotte let out a short breath of air she was holding and fell backwards onto a bed. Mia giggled at the brunette, stepping closer to her. "You need to get changed, sleepyhead."

"I know, but I'm so tired." Charlotte whined, sitting up on the bed and crossing her legs.

Mia shook her head and laughed. She grabbed a pair of comfortable shorts out of Charlotte's drawers and took off her own hoodie to give to Char to wear.

Charlotte began taking her clothes off and threw them onto the floor. Mia looked away, her cheeks flushed. Charlotte slipped on the shorts and Mia's hoodie before inhaling the redhead's scent left on it.

"You can turn around now, Mia." Charlotte chuckled at the sight of the embarrassed redhead.

Mia walked over and picked out sweatpants from Charlotte's drawer for herself to wear, and took off her uncomfortable dress, leaving herself in her underwear and bra. She slipped on the sweatpants and turned back around to Charlotte, who was staring, her face as red as a tomato.

"Like what you see?" Mia teased, winking.

Charlotte snapped back into reality and had nothing to say. "Um, there's a shirt in that drawer you can wear."

Mia laughed and nodded before getting the shirt out of the drawer and slipping it over her head. It was long but quite tight as Charlotte was slightly smaller than Mia. Charlotte admired the way her shirt clung to the redhead, outlining every curve and perfection on her body.

Charlotte moved over to one side of her bed and patted the empty place beside her for Mia to climb in. Mia did as told and slid under the covers, sitting up slightly. The two girls sat in a comfortable silence appreciating each other's presence.

A question was stirring in Mia's mind. She wanted to ask Charlotte this for ages, but she was always too afraid to.

"Char, can I ask you something?" the redhead asked, biting her lip.

Charlotte turned to face Mia and raised a brow before nodding.

"Your ex boyfriend, what happened between you two?"

Charlotte sighed before looking down and playing with her thumbs. "It's a long story. He was horrible. But it doesn't matter." Charlotte smiled and looked at Mia who was giving her a sympathetic look.

It doesn't matter because I have you now, Charlotte wanted to say.

"I want to know. I'll always listen to what you have to say, Char." Mia flashed the brunette a reassuring smile, clearly meaning what she was saying.

Charlotte took a deep breath. "Well, he was really controlling. I don't think he ever cared about me. Whenever we would, um, you know... He'd never check up on me afterwards. Sometimes he wouldn't even ask me if... well, if I wanted to. I think he just used me for my body." Charlotte felt tears welling in her eyes and looked at Mia, whose eyes were filled with empathy.

"Come here." Mia opened her arms. The brunette crawled right into Mia's arms and rested her head on Mia's chest, carefully listening to her heartbeat. The older girl ran her hands through the brunette's hair, calming her down.

"You deserve so much better, Char. Seriously. He's an asshole." Mia scoffed, kissing the brunette lightly on the head,

Charlotte lifted her head and smiled at Mia, who smiled back.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around Mia's waist, holding her close. As Mia brushed her fingers through Char's hair, Char spotted her cuts on her arm.

Charlotte reached out to hold Mia's arm and sat up, looking at the redhead's scars and cuts, her lips parted.

"Sorry, I should've put on something with sleeves." Mia mumbled, looking away from Charlotte. She couldn't bear to see the disgust on Charlotte's face.

But when Charlotte put a hand on Mia's chin and pulled Mia's face back to look her in the eyes, she wasn't met with disgust. Instead, she was met with a look of love, concern and affection.

"You don't have to be ashamed of your cuts, Mia. You are so, so strong. I love you for who you are, you don't have to hide yourself from me." Charlotte spoke, her voice full of sincerity and love.

"Thank you, Char. Please don't tell anyone... About my arms, you know?"

"I wouldn't do that, Mia. Cross my heart and hope to die," Charlotte spoke in a serious tone, but giggling afterwards to lift the mood.

"And I love you too, sweetheart." Mia smiled, pulling the brunette close to kiss her forehead. 

However, when she leant in, Charlotte moved her head and their lips met in a soft, slow kiss.

They lingered in that position for a while before Mia pulled away. "I'm sorry, I should've-"

Charlotte was cut off by Mia's lips meeting hers again. This time, the kiss was more passionate, more desperate; a testament of longing and desire. Their lips moved in perfect sync, they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Mia held Charlotte's face, cupping her cheeks with her hands. Charlotte grabbed hold of Mia's waist, pulling the red head on top of her.

Mia lingered above Charlotte, their lips still connected. The pair pulled away, catching their breaths, before Mia laid down again beside Charlotte. Mia nervously grabbed hold of Charlotte's hand, their fingers intertwined. Smiling, Charlotte rolled over and pulled herself on top of Mia and rested her head on Mia's chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"Thank you." Mia whispered, kissing the brunette's head.

"What for?" Charlotte smiled, her voice tinged with curiosity, as she looked up at the red head with sleepy eyes.

"For loving me for who I am."


1119 words


SORRYY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES!! i have no motivation at all to write atm so I apologise if this isn't the best!! I also didn't proof read lmao🥰 Love y'all hope u enjoyed it tho 🤞🏼

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