1.|| To New Beginnings?

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"So, when's your  flight again?" Sammy, my best friend, asked through the screen of my phone. It was currently 7:30 in the morning here in Florence, which meant it was over half past  1 in Washington D.C, where Sammy lived. I could see the bright light of her phone flashing on her face, the rest of her room pitch black. 

Whilst she was mindlessly talking, I was busy packing up the last things in my apartment which needed to be shipped back home, where I was returning for the season. I've lived in Florence for almost 4 years, studying art and photography at the Academy Of Arts. Plus, I lived close to my Dad's side of the family, which are all Italian. Unfortunately, my course is over and I've decided to head back home, - or Uconn, where my Dad works- and intern on the team as their personal photographer.

This offer would be absolutely great if it weren't for one tall, brunette detail: Nika Fucking Mühl, the bane of my existence. The word "loathe" doesn't even begin to describe how much I dislike her, and even though all my childhood friends are there, her oh-so-sweet personality is capable of ruining everything.

"At 11" I answered my best friends question "Are you sure you want to come pick me up at the airport, I could call someone else if it-"

"Nonsense! I haven't seen my best friend in a year, and you expect me to leave you in an estranged city alone?" Sammy, dramatic as she was, responded "plus it's like a 3 or 4 hour drive to Uconn, it's not that far" 

I groaned remembering I had to go back there "God, can't I just stay with you, I really don't wanna see her." Sammy chuckled, eyes twinkling "I'd love it if you could babe, but you know you have to go. And don't you miss your dad?" 

I did, I missed him a lot. He was always busy coaching the team and I barely saw him in these past years, so I'm long overdue some dad hugs. I nodded at her question " Of course, but she's just so incredibly annoying Sammy, like you have no idea! she's just so arrogant and pompous and God-"

"Trust me, I do have and idea of how much you dislike Nika-" "EW don't say her name" "-but you've got to push through for your dad and your friends, ok babe?"

"ugh, I hate when you're so wise and intelligent" I sighed, and realized I'd finished packing everything. Now I needed to get my stuff and leave for the airport. "alright, Sammy I've got to go, I'll text you when I take off, I should be in Washington at around 4 PM, ok?"

"great, see you then, love you!" "love you!"

After hanging up the phone, I looked around my now empty apartment in the soft morning light of Florence. Damn was I gonna miss this city, it was basically my second home. As I finished packing my carry-on bag, I heard my phone buzz on the kitchen table

Dad: Goodnight honey, have a safe flight home, see you tomorrow

answering his text with a big red heart, I slipped my phone into my pants and left my place, locking the door behind me. Walking out of my apartment complex I handed my taxi driver the bags to put in the car, and took one last moment to admire this city.

No place will ever feel truly like home as much as this. The art was home. The river was home. My academy friends were home. Everything was home.

Come on Cassie, you have to do this.

I could hear my best friend's voice in my ear telling me to take this chance. So I did. 


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