2.||little miss sunshine

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I woke up to the sound of a loud crash coming from what I assumed was my living room in my new apartment. The only thing I could remember from last night is Emily helping me up the stairs and Sammy coercing some random guy to bring my suitcase up. I practically crashed into bed as soon as I stepped inside.

Next came what I think is a yelp of pain and subtle curses, followed by the sound of shuffling feet. Maybe Emily and Sammy were already up, since they decided to stay the night. I exited my room and entered the living room, which was full of freakishly-tall basketball players hanging up a  'welcome home!' banner and balloons. 

Emily and the other blonde, Paige, whom I immediately recognised were pinning it up, whilst KK and Sammy were standing in front of them telling them what to do. Aaliyah and Aubrey were blowing up balloons, the latter forming fairly inappropriate shapes with them- How do you even do that with a balloon?- with Liyah (as I like to call her, Mother) hissing at her to stop and get serious.

Ines, Ice and Qadence all came out from the kitchen with pouty looks on their faces, as if they'd been kicked out from it, when they spotted me standing at the end of the hallway and all broke into smiles.

When the others noticed their faces, they all stopped and turned around, Paige with a particularly disappointed look for ruining what was probably her  idea. Before I even had a chance to think, KK squeezed me in a hug so powerful I think I broke a few ribs 

"Oh Cassie I missed you so much!" she muffled in my neck. I chuckled and kissed her on the cheek in agreement, when Paige tore her from my arms with a harsh 'move kamorea, it's my turn'  and hugged me too. She laid her head on my shoulder, as she always does and squeezed me tight. 

"What's all this?" I asked, looking around the room littered with confetti and ribbons "Paige's attempt at a welcome home party" a deeper voice said behind me. I broke out into a smile when I recognised that voice. Dad. I flipped on my heel and ran towards my dad, wrapping him in a hug. When I jumped on him, I could feel his chuckle rumble on my stomach and him squeezing me tight, pinching my cheek when he had the chance to look at my face.

He grabbed my face with both his hands and pressed a kiss to my forehead, hugging me again. "God I missed you so much Dad, I'm so glad I'm home" I said, and turned around to face my friends "and thank you for this attempt at a surprise, P" I smiled.

Then, from the kitchen came the smell of pancakes, followed by another, lighter set of steps, when I came face to face with nightmare in a person: Nika Mühl. Well seeing the person I loathe is a great way to start my morning. Her expression was as stoic as it always was with me, and the stack of pancakes were being very violently held by her hands. I didn't miss the quick rake her eyes made over my figure (which, by the way, is only wearing a fucking sleep shirt) and the way her entire faced tensed when she looked me in the eye.

"Hi. Here's the pancakes you like" she stated, dropping the plate harshly on the counter.

"well, isn't that a warm welcome?" I grinned, and she clenched her jaw. God, I know just the ways to rile her up. "expected more from you, Mühl, usually you insult me when you see me. losing our touch, are we?" somehow her face got even harsher, and I grinned even wider.

"ok, let's start eating before you two kill each other please?" Paige said and directed me to sit down, my dad and Sammy on either side of me, and little miss sunshine sitting right in front of me, between Emily and KK.

"so, how was your flight?" my dad asked next to me, "and how's the family?" he added. "the flight was fine, I practically slept through it all. Everyone back home is great, nonna even packed me some tiramisù for the flight, but she's gonna get it sent here because-" a scoff sounded from in front of me at that statement. An incredibly arrogant scoff, might I add, that could come from one person only, Nika.

"what?" I deadpanned "nothin', just, don't you find it a little juvenile to have your grandma send you desserts because you're leaving?" she said. What the fuck is this bitch on? I'm convinced she only does this to spite me, because what does that even mean?

"girl boo no it ain't, everyone misses their grandchildren and that tiramisù is good as fuck so I don't know what you're on" thankfully, KK had my side and I smiled at her in thanks "Exactly, but maybe you're just bitter because your parents don't send you stuff, are you offended, Nikkie?" I accentuated the last sentence with an obnoxious pout and a nickname which she despises, which caused her to roll her eyes and huff. Perfect. 

"whatever, I still think it's immature" she repeated. By that point, I was fed up with her attitude and me and her started bickering relentlessly, before Paige's voice made Nika stop in her tracks "Jesus, it's gonna be fun having her with the team at every game this year, right niks?" "what do you mean?" she asked.

oh. Oh. So Nika didn't know I was their new photographer. Fuck, this is fun. 

I faced her "oh, do you not know? I'm the team photographer. I got it as an internship." In that exact moment, Nika's face fell, and her jaw lightly hanged. Her face was the epitome of confusion and frustration, her even looking around at her other teammates for confirmation. When she realised that I was here for good, she stood up and left.

Fuck, this year's gonna be fun.

author speaks!

SECOND CHAPTER AHHHHHHH! finally got the energy to write again, even though it's incredibly short. sort of a filler, because I'm feeling so uninspired.

I have no idea how to introduce the fake dating trope, how would you guys like it? I'm conflicted between two options.

also school's finally over! YAY!

thank you for reading <3



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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