04 - The bird's wings

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As curious as Y/N was, she was silently urging the maid to walk faster so she could see Robin earlier. Her thoughts flew at cosmic speed in her head.  Why does Robin want to see her?  A thousand possible scenarios did not leave her alone. Walking through the hotel halls with her brain full of questions, she didn't even notice the maid nervously gulping as she was guiding her to Robin's room. The brunette maid was clearly uneasy around Y/N.

Knocking on door of the popstar with her sweaty hand, the maid sighed in relief when she heard high pitched "Come in!". Y/N's monotone voice and dead eyes were creepy enough to make the brunette maid immediately leave when her master let the girl in her room. 

"Hello Y/N! I am so happy you came!" an enthusiastic well known voice exclaimed. The shiny e/c eyes met with the emerald ones. As lively as ever. "Nice to see you again, Robin," Y/N greeted the singer, who clapped her hands. "The reason why I called you here, my dear friend, is because I have big news to share with you," Robin explained and the h/c haired girl's interest levels increased. What could be such a big news? And why would Robin share it with Y/N?

"You are probably wondering what am I going to tell you," Robin spun around weirdly feeling Y/N. She felt unsure. Not understanding the situation. Feeling quite...confused, they call it?Confusion. New emotion unlocked. The halovian girl's blue hair waved after her as she moved. "Actually you're the first person I'm gonna tell," Robin stopped spinning around the girl and stood infront of her, putting both of her hands on the confused girl's shoulders. With wide excited smile, the singer finally revealed:

"I am going on a cosmic tour!" she squaled. Cosmic tour or whatever that is, Y/N couldn't care less. She doesn't exactly enjoy listening to music. But she also couldn't help but feel at least  little bit warm seeing Robin's reaction. Something inside her told her that this warmness was right. Looking back in her memory, trying to remember what an actress would say if her favorite character told her some news very loudly and energetically. Finally remembering the scene where a character named Lyney finally succeeded in his magic performance, she opened her mouth.

"That's amazing Robin!" Y/N said, hoping her smile wouldn't look too weird. Luckily Robin didn't seem to notice the girl's unusual smile. "I know right? The first planet I'll sing in is Kasbelina VIII! I have never been there before, so I am very excited! I'll share the Harmony with all the people there." Harmony? Oh right, Penacony's path is the Harmony, Xipe being the aeon. But how did Y/N know that? She doesn't think anyone told her that. 

Suddenly tips of Y/N's fingers started burning. The hotness occupying her fingers was so familiar, yet so off-putting, spreading up to her arms. And then her to her whole. Again, seeing the black void instead of the singer's room, emptiness residing in her stomach. She couldn't feel any emotion nor her body. Then, she heard a voice. From the echoes of it, she assumed it was from a huge distance.

"What is this?"

The voice was heartbroken, reminding a mother losing her child but not wanting to accept the truth. But whose could it be?

"Who am I?"

But as she listened further, she realized that she was the owner of the voice. Desperately trying to find her identity. Walking in the abyss of nothing, hoping to fins the way out. So lost, so keen on surviving. She wanted to live, strove to keep on exististing. The black void surrounding her was slowly decreasing in size upon her realization. Just like Maslow's hiearchy of needs, self-actualization being on top. That's what had saved her from the dark abyss. Herself.

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