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Waking up after hearing my annoying alarm God Why it's monday againnn
It's currently 7 Am in the morning and I have classes at 10
So I woke up early to be extra prepared
I just meditated for 5 mins and did a little 10 minute stretch and I choosed my outfit of the day for going to college and went to the shower
Here's the outfit I picked

Just finished taking shower and did my morning skincare It's just feels so good waking up early in the morning and you're all productive and motivated After that I went to the kitchen and greeted my mom as she was making breakfast for us there I h...

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Just finished taking shower and did my morning skincare It's just feels so good waking up early in the morning and you're all productive and motivated
After that I went to the kitchen and greeted my mom as she was making breakfast for us there
I had my breakfast and It was currently 8:45 so I actually have plenty of time so I left for college early to do some light reading in the library, on the way there of course I got my strawberry matcha latte

OH Finally I met amy my bestieeee
We hugged each other and went to the class
After the class was over we headed to the canteen area
Amy : It's been a long malena we haven't went to shopping how about we go there after college)
Malena : I don't think so There's a test tomorrow I have to study for that  maybe some another timee
Amy : Oh come on malena why didn't you checked the class group chat the professor said the test is postponed
Malena : what? I didn't checked itttt
Amy: That's fine! Now we're going shopping today that's it I don't wanna hear anything
Malena: okhay fine ! I'll go
Amy : that's more like it

All class ends and we both are going to shopping rn
Amy: It's so hot today how about we grab some drink first
And of course some snacks for our sleepover
Malena: uhmm what sleepover?
Amy : I knew you will give me excuses that you can't come cause of your studies but You can't miss this chance your brother is coming too we will watch movie and have fun and all
Malena : gosh fine! I will come !
Amy : good girl)
We were shopping and having fun I mean having such a cool bestie is definitely a luck I must cherish it)
Amy : let's go the victoria's secret
Malena : what noo! I don't want to go
Amy : oh come on we're not kids anymore and we must enhance our femininity) And you've never tried anything like that don't be a nerd now you freaking gorgeous lady!
Malena: oh stop girlllllll I am goingg

Time passed and I didn't expected I would buy so much things from there I mean they're stunning! Can't deny the fact
I actually bought some lace sets
And some perfumes
Umm here's a picture if you guys are curious)

Ahh finally it was over and we were tired af After some times we reached amy's house and her parents weren't home they went on some business trips they really don't have that much family bond as her parents most of the time isn't at home but yeah ...

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Ahh finally it was over and we were tired af
After some times we reached amy's house and her parents weren't home they went on some business trips they really don't have that much family bond as her parents most of the time isn't at home but yeah they're not that bad either

Amy : hello boys
Ryan: hi my baby you tired?
Amy : of course I am
Malena : am I even here? Gosh I don't wanna stay here I am going upstairs I need to change
Malena then went upstairs and grabbed her pajamas and took a quick shower to relax herself
While she was blow drying her hair suddenly some knocked the door
Of course It was Ethan!
Ethan : Oops my bad I thought This room had no people in it
Malena : why are you here can't you see the other rooms !
Ethan : babygirl can you stop yelling at me without knowing anything all the rooms are occupied with those couples
Malena: what do you mean by 'those couple ' It's only ryan and amy
Ethan: you should go and check it by yourself
Malena: okay I am going but don't you dare to touch my stuffs
Ethan: don't worry I won't)
Malena then went downstairs and she was surprised cause half of the people of college were there and the couples Oh gosh I can't even explain what they were doing
Amy saw me and quickly told me to change my clothes
Malena: Amy! Didn't you said it's just a sleepover of just three of us why there are so many peoples now and you even invited that bully Ethan do you know how much it irritates me
Amy : I knew you wouldn't come If I told you earlier as you don't like these kind of gatherings
Malena: damn I am going to the room I ain't coming here
After saying that malena head back to the room

Meanwhile ethan
Ethan : I wonder who went to victoria's secret how about I have a look no she told me not to touch her stuffs but who cares I will see it ( smirks)
Malena : Ethan why are you still here why don't you go and have fun there you probably don't wanna miss out
Ethan : Cause I have something for important here babygirl
Malena: and what is it?
Ethan : YOU
Malena : what!
Ethan : I didn't knew the straight A student wears lace bra's
Malena : how dare you touch my stuffs and do you even know how disrespectful is that to say it
Ethan : well I do respect you I was just kinda shocked and that's why I said it ( smirks )
Malena : Now leave the room !
Ethan : why baby are you scared of me ? Did I ever bullied you ? I am not gonna do any harm to you I just really like talking to you You're just different to me
Malena: I am not falling for your sweet words honey you should try your manipulating tricks to some different girls
Ethan : I mean it babygirl alright since you want me to go that much I will go but before that-
He pinned me to the wall and kissed me harshly!
Ethan : I am going now baby girl but I will soon finish what we started
Malena was just froze in that place It was her freaking first kiss and that was even forced by someone she hates!
Malena : what just happened! Damn it do my fate has to be like this!
Malena couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about it
Next day when they were having breakfast malena was constantly touching her lips thinking what happened last night
Amy : something fishy huh?
Malena: uhh no nothing It's just my lips feels dry
Amy : says the one who has her lips always moisturised girl I am your bestie don't you think I don't understand so who is that lucky person to kiss you
Malena : umm what! How do you know!
Amy: your behaviour since morning says it all
Malena: huh
Amy: tell me who was it!
Malena: umm It was Ethan.....
Amy : WHAT! There's no way ..
Malena : should I say it to my brother?
Amy : No don't I don't wanna see him fighting you know his goddamn temper .
Anyways get ready we're getting late for the classes

Author's Note
Well I know I may make lots of mistakes But I will try to improve
Thank you smmm for your precious time ) Thank you for reading!
See you in the next chapter

Word count - 1179

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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