The Alley

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-Rumaisa ⋆。°✩Light falls over the city, casting long shadows and illuminating the streets with a cold, eerie glow

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-Rumaisa ⋆。°✩
Light falls over the city, casting long shadows and illuminating the streets with a cold, eerie glow. The sound of distant traffic hums in the background, muffled by the walls of the narrow alley. The air is thick with tension, broken only by the grunts and cries of men being beaten. I, was walking from there as I was out for a walk . Drawn by the commotion,I peeks around the corner,my eyes widening as I witnesses the brutal scene.

"What on earth is happening here?"i whispers to myself and saw that the boy who was getting beaten was near to death I run towards there and the person who was standing there with the gun looks at me "it's not a place for kids" oky so he is him the person I met yesterday "you" I saw his face and yelled "yes me now go away kid" he said omg he is so irritating "wtf I'm not a kid and what the hell are you doing with that guy" I said and looks in his eyes.

"you don't fucking dare to interfere in this matter and go or else after this you will be in hell" he yelled at me and I flinched I'm not scared of him I remind myself "whatever leave him he is near to death MR" I said with a heavy voice and the other second he triggered the gun on him and shoot him "take him from here" he order his man and I that all left with the body he come closer to me and I moved back until my back hit the wall

"so now it's your turn rumaisa" what the hell how does he know my name what is going on "m-move back" I said and tries to push him "what you said leave him so I left him now it's your turn" he said I swear that my throat is dry I can't sleep why his presence is so dominating "you think I'm s-scared of you but I'm n-not" I tried to speak back "hell with your attitude"he said and pass me a glare it was enough to send chill down my spine.

"How d-do you know my name?" I was so curious cause we just met yesterday and he know my name it's weird "you don't need to worry about that and stop coming between my matters oky" he says in his perfect deep voice but wait who is he "who are you Mr?"I asked and finally he moved back laughing evilly is he mad prolly a psychopath but I know how to fix his mind as I'm also a psychiatrist "you don't know me really" he said and I looked towards him.

"no I don't.... Why are you a famous animal that I should know you?" I recompose my posture and said with sarcasm."sweetheart I'm the person who you will never want to know so before i do something really stupid with you just get your head out of her" he said and as I was about to say something but his guards came there and he left.

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