Their passion

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I was setting up the equipment for my next session with Azlan, the CEO who seemed to have it all—wealth, power, and an aura of control

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I was setting up the equipment for my next session with Azlan, the CEO who seemed to have it all—wealth, power, and an aura of control. Yet, here he was, seeking help, vulnerable in a way most people would never see.

As he walked into my office, his usual air of confidence was still present, but there was a subtle weariness in his eyes. I greeted him with a warm smile, hoping to make him feel comfortable. "Good morning, Azlan. How are you feeling today?"

He settled into the chair, his movements deliberate, as if he was trying to maintain his composure. "Morning,"

I nodded, understanding that even someone as seemingly invincible as Azlan could have moments of exhaustion. "Let's start with some relaxation techniques today. It might help ease some of that fatigue."

As we began the session, guiding him through deep breathing exercises and gentle physical therapy routines, I could see the tension gradually melting away from his body. It was fascinating to witness the transformation, to see how science and care could intersect to bring about such change.

"You're doing great, Azlan," I encouraged him. "Just keep focusing on your breathing."

He followed my instructions diligently, his focus unwavering. In these moments, he wasn't the commanding CEO but a person seeking solace and healing. It was a humbling experience, reminding me of the importance of my work and the impact it could have on someone's life.

As the session progressed, I could see a hint of gratitude in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the progress he was making. It wasn't just about the physical exercises but the trust he was placing in me as his guide

Soon the session came to an end he looked at me with his dark eyes his eyes were so  dark i tried to read his face expression i didn't  even realized when his lips pressed mine and he started to devour my mouth  i don't know what happed to me that time i started to kiss him back he slowly started to hover over me kissing me like no tomorrow he was doing nasty things whit his tongue 

my breath turned harsher as i moan between the kiss then he stopped kissing me and pulled back slowly his mouth moves towards my neck as hi nibble on my neck then he started to suck my neck harder and harder god i was getting wet   soon i came back to my senses i pushed him and give a tight slap


"Rumaisa," he began, his voice low and filled with a mix anger. "What was that for?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "You can't just kiss me like that," I said, my voice trembling with a mix of defiance and lingering desire. "You can't just assume you have control over me."

His eyes flashed with a dangerous intensity. "You didn't seem to mind a moment ago."

"That's not the point," I shot back, my anger flaring. "You can't dominate me like that without considering my feelings."

"i swear  got you're gonna regret what you just did" he said that and left the room slamming the door hard..........


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