04. Let's Attend a Ball

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Crumbled up balls of vanilla parchment are strewn across invisible floor tiles. In the background, classical music pounds and swells, the rampant notes of a piano and violin echoing all around. A feathered pen, the tip dripping with dark blue ink, is clutched in Luna's hand as she drafts some copies for a very important invitation letter. She drifts back and forth through the space of her domain, floating amongst a plethora of crystal shards. Their luminous lights, radiating a soothing lavender glow, reflect off her white hood and pale skin.

It's time to throw a fucking party.

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Cyrus starts the day with a swift hook to the face.

A punch from Ram, which is one way to get going. What's more fun than a good-natured sparring session in the boxing ring, right? Get the adrenaline pumping, the pulse thumping!

Though the punch he endures is a mean one, Cyrus still manages to reel his head back for the next jab that flies in. Despite the sting in his jaw, he dares to grin back at his friend. Canine fangs glisten underneath the light. He bounces on the balls of his feet, his bare arms still raised to defend, his hands gripped with white gauze. Pants heave in and out from his shirtless torso, his tanned chest out on display.

Meanwhile, Ram hurls one hit after the other, quick to maintain the pace. His orange hair flares out in short and spiky tufts, shiny with sweat. Brown eyes are narrowed into concentrated slits as he grits his teeth.

They trade blows for a while longer, their fists cutting through the air in a whirlwind of blurs. As they block or dodge past each other's hands, Ram tries to go for a tackle, only for Cyrus to leap up before launching a kick. Rotating his body into the motion, and while hovering off the floor in the flash of a second, his leg smacks into Ram's ankles before tossing him down with an impromptu shove.

Though winded by the move, Ram is quick to roll over, narrowly avoiding Cyrus's next attempt to grapple him.

"Dude!" Ram shoots back up to his feet, his bandaged fists thrown up. "I'm not losing again! I gotta win at least one against you!"

Before Cyrus can playfully tell him to suck it because he's the top alpha of Blood Moon for a reason, they hear a window fly open with a resounding bang as a brown bat swoops in.


While squeezing out a prolonged squeak, Eliza flaps around their heads in her puny bat form. She smacks into Cyrus's forehead, provoking a startled bark of noise from him. Then she thumps herself against his skull a few more times afterwards, insistently squealing for attention.

"I don't understand bat, Eliza," he protests, shoving her aside with a bandaged hand. "Speak up!"

In a whirlwind of sparks and shadows, she morphs back into her regular humanoid form. She materializes before him and Ram, returning as the brunette girl that they know.

"Mutts, it's raining paper outside!" she announces. "There are letters everywhere!"

True to her word, as soon as they burst through the exit of the training room, they stumble into a storm of vanilla parchment showering over them. Some of the letters float overhead, flying into the hands and faces of the werewolves outside in the steady chill of the snow season. Alpha fighters and omega subordinates alike snatch a paper from the air or off their bodies, all too eager to consume the contents.

As Cyrus swipes one off the ground, he yanks it close to his face.

What the hell is going on?

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