Chapter One

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Despite everything, I knew things weren't going to end this way. Sure, everything was pitch black, and the only thing I could see ahead of me was a lonesome train station, along with an old friend I had come across over many years. Friend stood at the edge of the platform, bleating at me with a fearful tone as I slowly drifted in the abyss towards them. A train approached the platform, and once I arrived, Friend grabbed my sleeve with their teeth and tugged me onto the train, which I followed through. I wasn't entirely sure why, but I knew this would bring some sort of enlightenment.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Friend replied with an annoyed baa, and we took a seat on the empty train, with shaky silhouettes of people taking form in seats across from us and beside us. It seemed as if I were dreaming, but I felt everything. I felt pain, content, guilt and pleasure, all of the above, and everything just connected together in songs of despair. Wherever we were going, it would be a place to start anew, which I didn't really like the thought of at first. Like, what if it were a place where there weren't any people, and I'd just be alone forever? That's practically how it was in the beginning, but after things passed by, there were more adventures I had met with.

Somehow, after the train ride, we both got off and saw before us a land filled with buildings and streets of asphalt. It's almost as though I had arrived back on earth, but I soon realized, when I looked back at Friend, it truly was earth. Friend wasn't a blocky sheep anymore. He had texture, realistic features, but his sweet expression still remained. I flicked my hand nervously, and a rope appeared, which reminded me of a leash, which I carefully placed around Friend's neck. I felt his wool against my hand for a brief moment, and it was soft, like the fur of a chinchilla. Sure he wasn't bathed in dust like those creatures, but his gentle features made me feel whole. I was back home, but I wasn't sure where to walk, where to find shelter. I could go home home, but I didn't want to see my mother worry for me again. I wanted to find my friends. I wanted to find Schlatt, Fundy, Tom, even Phil, if it were possible. I wished to apologize to everyone, even though I had written those notes for each individual before I stayed behind.

I should give it some time, I thought. They would already be mourning, supposedly, so I should give them time to read through each note, settle where they desired, then later I would search and apologize face to face. They'd be so pissed, but it's the most I could do. I wanted to be friendly, I wanted to see them all happy. I needed closure, I needed the feeling of relief and contentment.

What if I'm not accepted? I thought, my mind beginning to run in circles. I had always thought everyone would be angry at me, even with everything I do, but seeing all the peoples' faces as I left, they all seemed to empathize, feel some sort of remorse at my departure. No matter how much I thought about it, no matter how sorrowful I felt, I couldn't forgive myself for any of it. I mean, I really am just a lonely being who never searched for a relationship that would give me some sort of reassurance.. right?

I glanced at my surroundings, figuring out where to start and how to get where I needed, so I left for my office that I had abandoned a few years before I returned to the server. That server being... well, gone. That was the only thing I could really say about it now. It was a black abyss, a world of nothing, just a blank canvas with nothing but one small train station and a few lost souls. Maybe, just maybe, if I keep designing another world in my mind, I could escape to that one as well. I brought everyone from my made up world to the world I had originally lived in, but now that it's gone, all I can really do is to start anew. Although it sounds rough, and a little boring, I know I won't be as abusive with this world as I have been with the other. One day I'll be better, I have a strong feeling about it this time. They'll forgive me, they'll finally be the friends I wanted, we'll hang out, have fun, play games and explore. It'll be like nothing ever happened beforehand.

You'd waste their time. The thought crossed my mind, lingering like a painful knife in a wound. I'm not sure why, but all these thoughts kept flooding my brain, and I could barely handle any of it. My head began to throb, making me wince and shake. I quickly walked off to a nearby bench, sitting down beside Friend as he nuzzled against me, trying to comfort me. The thought was cute, and made me feel a little better, but the headache continued to dig through my bones, pounding and jabbing at every little corner, edge, and crevasse inside my head. It was like a drill, carving out concrete with forceful power. My body grew tense, and everything seemed to slowly fade into black. I took deep breaths, swallowing my pain and patiently waiting for it all to calm down. I closed my eyes, listening to the music of the streets, the people talking and walking by, murmuring, whispering, speaking of things of which I could not quite comprehend.

You know, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I had calmed down, and everything I felt that pierced my heart with that rusty dagger seemed to fade. I wouldn't waste anyone's time, I will be accepted, hopefully by most, and I will give it time either way. They need to think about how to start this life, how to adjust to their surroundings, just as I did when I entered that server. And although it would be difficult for most, I had a feeling that it would all fall into action as they all would go off in their own directions. Tommy would get a family, a real one, who would care for him and nurture him to his every (most) need. Phil and Kristen would find a home suitable for the two, with room for a guest or two. Techno would find some form of peace in America, with a father, a mother, and some siblings who would all be by his side to the end. Schlatt... well, he'd probably go the same route as Technoblade, but I could definitely see him adopting a cat or two and living alone. It seemed so perfect for all of them. Living in a world where they would have more than a few mechanisms to create, more than a few nations, more than just a few items of food or clothing, and even weapons.

After sitting on that bench and thinking for a while, I stood and walked south of the station, leash in hand, and later found where my office stood. Alone and dull as it seemed, it was still in great shape. I dug around my pockets in hopes to find the key to my office, but it didn't seem to be in either of them. I looked down and saw a small glimmer of light coming from underneath the doormat, and gently bent down to pick it up. I saw it was the key, and I chuckled softly to myself, as I stood upright and put the key into the door to unlock it. I walked in, and took a deep breath, a lingering scent of vanilla filling my lungs. It smelt similar to what I used to smell like before I left, and the fact that the smell had stayed for all this time calmed me down by a greater number.

Friend lifted a hoof and gently knocked me in the leg, pushing me forward as if to tell me to walk. I walked in further, making sure to lock the door behind me, and decided to do some deep cleaning to tidy up the place a bit. Once it was cleaned, I sat down in the office chair, taking my beanie off and setting it down on the desk, before I leaned back and closed my eyes, planning on taking a bit of a nap.

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