38. Sippy Cup

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Kids are still depressed when you dress 'em up

Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup

Leona's eyes fluttered awake at the feeling of two fluffy paw press against his cheers repeatedly in a not consistent pattern, chanting "Wake up!" To him.

His visioned focused onto a familiar grey feline, bright blue eyes of anticipation glowered onto the tanned male, who only groaned in response as he sat up, tumbling Grim to the dusty ground, making them meow in irritation, "Nyah! What makes you think You can just—!"

Yuu rested his palm on the grey feline's head, effectively calming Grim down with a subconscious purr, "Now that you're awake, confess to each and all of your crimes," Yuu demanded, narrowing his chestnut eyes down at the housewarden, who was still lying down on his back.

"...Come again?"

"Kingscholar." Crowley's voice rung in the lion's ears, letting him know that he was in some deep shit now.

But while everyone was discussing what to do with the misgivings with Leona and Savanaclaw with the whole tournament still going on, Leona would dart his focus and gaze to your sleeping body, he noticed that your hair returned to its normal length, but his ear twitched at the realization that the little black line perpendicular to your lips was missing.

You were being held in Ace's arms as Riddle checked up on you, pressing his fingers against areas that he could feel your pulse and such. But he had to keep his shift in focus as discreet as possible, keeping one tab on his lecturing teachers and peers and another on solely you.

As much as everybody was yelling at him, his mind was just swirling over what just happened between you and him, was it real or was he that desperate for comfort that he wanted someone to be like him? He secretly wanted it to be the first one and not the second, he wants somebody that could understand him on a different level.

He wasn't against the feeling, he enjoyed it actually. Maybe he would let people in, even if it means lowering his pride a bit, he blinked as his focus stayed on the group of staff and students in front of him, his signature lazy yet cocky smirk graced his face as he rolled onto his feet.

"Ah, well, I should— crap ow..!" The lion groaned in pain as he felt a tugging sensation against his left ear, a familiar raspy and snarky voice rung in his ears, "Forgetting something? I haven't exactly forgiven you," Ruggie spoke with a stern gaze, letting go of his lion ear.

"Right..." Leona suppressed the biggest urge to roll his eyes, but for the sake of everything that just happened and everything that you yelled at him for, he didn't, keeping his eyes on Ruggie, who had a look of conflict on his face, but eventually the hyena male clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. The injured one had already gotten a cast, wrapped around his shoulder to keep it from dropping, but that didn't stop Ruggie from what he was going to do.

"But seeing you with that sad ass face was so miserable, you're better off with your usual bitchy smile, like this! Laugh with me!" Ruggie chuckled out loud, pulling on the sides of his mouth, extending it into a smile, making everyone around them look at the two them with some air of relief.

Now it was your turn to wake up, you hummed out a groan as your vision came into focus, with Ace's hand intertwined with yours, you squeezed it as a way to let yourself know that this is reality and everything was almost back to normal. Ace felt the squeeze and looked down with a shine of relief and happiness, putting a hand on your cheek, Ace sighed out in relief.

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