Amanda struggled to maintain Mandy's routine and nearly forgot to deliver the morning announcements over the loudspeaker. Mandy, in Diamond's role, faced similar challenges, constantly losing track of where she was supposed to be and missing her classes. Diamond, in Amanda's life, found out that Andre, Amanda's boyfriend, had been worried about their relationship. He had been trying to talk to Amanda about it, but now he was confused and unsure how to approach Diamond, who was acting like Amanda. Diamond felt a pang of concern for her sister. She knew things were more serious between Amanda and Andre than she had realized.
   As the day wore on, their mystery benefactor sent them another note. It read, "Remember, the game is not over yet. You have until dinner to figure this out." The triplets felt a chill in their bones. Who would do this to them, and why? They decided to split up and investigate separately, each pretending to be their switched partner. Amanda, now in Mandy's role, went to the library to look for clues. Mandy, now in Diamond's role, went to the art room to investigate. Diamond, now in Amanda's role, went to the gym to talk to Andre about the strange messages they had been receiving.
   At dinner that night, they all came back home, each with a piece of the puzzle. Amanda had found an old photograph of someone they didn't recognize in Mandy's locker. Mandy had overheard some students talking about a classmate they all used to know who had left town under mysterious circumstances. And Diamond had learned from Andre that someone had been sending him anonymous messages, trying to come between them. Putting all the pieces together, they realized that the game was not just a prank but a carefully planned scheme to investigate their lives and test their bonds of sisterhood.
   Their parents tried to comfort them, but they were as baffled as the triplets were. "We'll figure this out together," their dad promised, ruffling their curly hair. That night, as they tried to sleep in each other's beds again, they made a plan. They would wake up early and search their shared room for any clues. They would be more careful and not let whoever was behind this game catch them off guard again. They knew that the morning would bring more challenges, but they were determined to unmask the mysterious player and return to their normal lives.

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