The following morning, the triplets woke up bright and early, ready to tackle the mystery head-on. They agreed to stick together and not get distracted by their schoolwork or their boyfriends. Their first stop was their shared room, where they carefully searched every inch of space. They checked under the beds, in the drawers, and even behind the posters on the wall. Amanda found a tiny camera hidden in one of Mandy's stuffed animals. "This must be how they're controlling the switches!" she exclaimed. Mandy found a note written in a familiar, messy handwriting tucked away in Diamond's jewelry box. "It's from someone we know," she said, her voice trembling.
   The note read, "Glad you're enjoying the game. Keep playing or the consequences will be severe." The handwriting looked familiar to the girls, but they couldn't place who it belonged to. They were about to leave for school when their mom reminded them of the after-school club meeting they had all agreed to attend. The triplets groaned. They were already tired of pretending to be each other, and now they had to keep up the act for even longer. As they walked to school, they decided to play detective. They would keep their eyes and ears open for any clues during the day and try to deduce the identity of the person behind the game.
   At school, they split up again, each going to a different part of the building to search for clues. Amanda went to the library to look for any suspicious activity. Mandy went to the art room to see if any of the supplies were out of place. Diamond went to the gym to talk to Andre again. Each of them was on high alert, watching every step they took and every word they said. They knew they were being watched, and the thought made their hearts race.
   As the day progressed, the game took a darker turn. They received another message, this time a photo of them in each other's beds, clearly showing they hadn't solved the mystery yet. The message read, "You have until dinner. Don't make me come to drastic measures." The triplets exchanged worried glances. They had thought this was a simple game, but now they realized it was more serious. They needed to solve the mystery before someone decided to take things even further.

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