The Lernaean Hydra

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The next task was given to him by the one-eyed boss of the ravens. The gods had been impressed when they saw the cat's skin, (Tho Shiva got in trouble with his wife Durga, as she was fond of lions)and a bit more by the carving the youth had made of it on his new weapon, so the Nordic chief gave him a harder task: to slay the hydra that was pestering Lerna.

She was the aunt of the lion, being a daughter of Typhon and Equidna.
Mortals would then start to say Hera was her adoptive mother, but how they conclude this is a story we shall save for later .

This creature was even more lethal than the lion: it had six heads instead of just one, and she was huge. Her breath was so deadly, that everything around her would die, which forced the people of Lerna to flee from their homes.

This, even tho it was a tragedy, helped our hero to find her, as Alcides found a caravan of women and children that were running  away from the creature. He tried to ask for directions, but the women refused to tell him.

"Don't even try it, my child. Here you see the widows and orphans from Lerna" an old women tried to warn him "our men gathered together to slay the beast, but not even a single one made it back alive. Not even our king was rival for such a beast "

"That is exactly why we should tell him where it is!" A young, twelve year old boy, who's mom had died while she was washing clothes due to the creature's breath, and his dad had gone to slay the creature, wanted someone who could put an end of that thing. He was riding his family's chariot, which was carried by the the only mule he had been able to save "I shall you myself, mister, if you willing to help us"

"Enough of that, Iolaus. You know that is suicide " one of the old women tried to argue, but he refused to hear any arguments.

"This is my chariot and I decide what to do with it " he remained stubborn

"I appreciate your offer, Iolaus, but I would rather not have you come. Just with telling me where I can find the creature is more than enough " Alcides didn't want to risk anyone else.

"Oh enough of that, if I die, I shall see my parents again anyways. Hop on, mister ! Penelope is strong enough to carry us both!"he wasn't going to take no for an answer, and wanted to avenge the rest. The young hero understood that he wouldn't change the boy's mind, and hoped into the chariot.

The closer they got, the more horrible the places would get, and they would see less living things. Even the trees and the birds got more scarce, until Alcides saw a couple of familiar creatures

"Huggin, Munin!" He called the crows as he spotted them. Their job was to watch over him, so usually they would leave him alone until he find the place near the creature's lair (which, in the case he had to track it down, might be a telltale sign.

"What took you so long?" Asked the white raven

"Who is that ?"asked the black raven

"Did the crows just speak?"asked the puzzled boy.

"Ah yes, they serve the gods, and they're nice " the explained to his companion.

"Why did you bring a mortal?" Both of them asked

"He guided me " that wasn't forbidden, right ? He didn't want any trouble.

"Bah, I guess there aren't any rules against this " pointed out the black one.

"Seeing you both here means we are in the right path " observed the hero.

"Well of course, but we have no spot to stand on near the hydra's lair" complained the white raven.

"Except its hideous cave " complained the black raven.

"You are free to stay in my chariot " offered the boy "hope on, a couple of ravens are nothing for Penelope " both crows immediately got in it and the five of them (counting the mule, of course) continued their way until a place where there was absolutely nothing growing in there. As it was swamp, that shouldn't have even been possible.

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