A series of oneshots involving the parents of the Skullgirls cast in intimate moments and expressing their love for one another. The stories will take place throughout random parts of the Skullgirls timeline.
All rights go to Lab Zero Games, Hidden...
New Meridian was always bustling with bright lights and street noises as night fell upon the citizens. Around the sounds and brightness lies the Contiello Manor, where it was bedtime for Sienna Contiello, the heir to the Contiello legacy.
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The little girl tucked herself into bed feeling refreshed after a nice, lengthy bubble bath.
"Good night mother, good night father," Sienna said as she started to close her eyelids. "Good night Squigly," said simultaneously by both her parents: Selene and Roberto. Selene had her golden hair done up in a braided bun that revealed her aquamarine eyes; while Roberto had short brown hair and eyes, with a thick mustache shaped like a horseshoe.
Selene quietly closed the door. "Now that our dear daughter is in bed," Selene said as she threw her arms around her husband's shoulders., "you and I can finally have some alone time together." They gave each other smirks as Roberto put his hands around her waist and gave her a peck on the lips.
They both strolled towards the living room with Selene ahead of him. While they were walking, Roberto couldn't help but notice how her heavy-looking derriere was swaying side to side in her dress.
"AGRH! Stop staring!" he mentally screamed as he forced his eyes to look away. Selene chuckled, If it were any other miscreant, she would have just huffed and not paid them any attention; but it was her beloved who was mesmerized by her rear, so she didn't mind.
Once they got to the living room after a few minutes, Roberto picked out a record and placed it on the record player; peaceful opera echoed through the living room.
Say my love," he placed his hand towards her. "Care for a dance?" Selene put a hand over mouth and giggled, "I would love to." She took his hand, brought her body closer to his, and they started to pick up the tempo of the music. With their joint hands together, they found themselves gracefully waltzing around the room.
While they were dancing, their eyes gazed at each other dreamfully.
"You look just as beautiful since the day I met you," he complimented her.
"Oh Roberto", she sighed. "The same could be said to you, I couldn't dream of meeting a man more handsome."
Roberto then thought to himself about how grateful he is over his wonderful life. He had an amazing legacy to honor, with the Contiellos being world-renowned opera singers and having a great relationship with the Medicis. He had a sweet loving daughter, whose smile and dress radiated like the sun. He had a draconic-like parasite, whose loyalty to him and his family means no bounds. But most importantly...
He had the most incredible wife in the world, oh GOD he loved her so much. When he was going through a dark time in his life with King Franz stamping out his family's songs, Selene stood by his side and helped him soar the Contiellos to new heights even when he felt like giving up. She had the voice and laughter of an angel. She was a caring mother to their beautiful child. To top it all off, she had beauty that only the Trinity could rival. Her black and blue dress, her glittering hair, her shining eyes, all were features that could make any woman jealous.