Character Info and A/N

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Добрый день comrades! Welcome to my book. #Pleasedon'tmakethisflop :D

So here are the characters and basic info you need to know about them.

Name: Sebastian Cuzco

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Occupation/s: Lawyer

Other: Secretly head of a mafia. He runs a mafia and kills the bad people, but somehow James Moldev and David Jones think they are the bad guys.

Height: 6.7

Name: Marie Francier

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Occupation/s: Detective (cover up for her position in the mafia)

Other: Right hand woman of Sebastian in the mafia. She's also friends with Yuko and is best friends with Sebastian's sister, Jasmine.

Height: 5.7

Name: Scar Britton

Sex: Male

Age: 34

Occupation/s: Sebastian's butler

Other: Retired spy in the mafia

Height: 5.3

Name: Yuko Julie

Sex: Female

Age: 22

Occupation/s: Marie's partner in crime (Detective partner) (cover up for her position in the mafia)

Other: Sebastian's ex, but they are on great terms. She is also head of the spy team in the mafia.

Height: 5.6

Name: Rica Corner

Sex: Female

Age: 21

Occupation/s: Head of the detective organization that Marie works in.

Other: Has a crush on Sebastian.

Height: 5.4

Name: James Moldev

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Occupation/s: Criminal

Other: He is Marie's obsessive ex. He is also wanted by the police for a long time, but they still have yet to catch him.

Height: 6.6

Name: Jasmine Cuzco

Sex: Female

Age: 22

Occupation/s: Singer

Other: Youngest out of the three siblings. She's Marie's best friend and sister to Sebastian and Leo Cuzco. She was born with powers. She can sing to people and lure them to their death. That is her role in the mafia.

Height: 5.4

Name: Leo Cuzco

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Occupation/s: Mafia Spy

Other: He is the middle child, little brother to Sebastian and older brother to Jasmine. He is Yuko's childhood best friend. His role in the mafia is a spy. He works under Yuko's spy team.

Height: 6.6

Name: David Jones

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Occupation/s: Jame's right-hand man

Other: He is plotting to kill someone in this story. He works for James Moldev. They are best friends. He is also a wanted criminal. He plans to start a rival mafia gang to wipe out Sebastian's mafia group.

Height: 5.4

If you read all that, congrats! It took me an hour to think about these...

I'll be posting Chapter 1 in a while, have a swell day!


There will be no swearing or smut in this book. Thank you so much!

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