Chapter 2

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Leo POV:

At least for now...

I snap out of my thoughts when I felt someone flick my head. 

"Chào! Đau đấy!" (Hey! That hurts!) I shrieked and looked around.

Jasmine was snickering while Sebastian was on the floor rolling.

"Seb, get up *wheeze* from the damn *wheeze* floor!" Jas managed to say as she was laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "Did you really have to scare me like that?" Jasmine looked at me as if saying, "well duh."

"Dude *wheeze* your shriek was so funny!" Sebastian got up from the floor and started snickering at me.

I rolled my eyes again. What is up with people and them flicking other's heads these days?

"Hey Seb, just to let you know, you leave for work in 10 minutes. You too Jas." I say in a stern voice.

They immediately stop laughing and look at me. "IT'S THAT LATE ALREADY?" Jasmine rushed up the stairs while Seb followed. 

It was my turn to laugh now. "HAHAHAH! You guys really need time management..."

Time skip due to the author being lazy ;D


I rushed upstairs while hearing my brother laugh manically. Gosh, it was that late!

I quickly put on my spy suit and covered it with sweatpants and a baggy sweater. Just right! I hid a few weapons, like a gun, a knife, and a trusty bolo that a Filipino friend gave me a while back.

I came back downstairs to see Sebastian getting ready to leave, while Leo was already getting the car keys. 

We all hopped into the car and drove off to the Maharlika Mansion (My Filipina friend requested this. It was supposed to appear in the sequel but okay-)

We arrived earlier than expected, due to Leo speeding :(. 

I arrived at my office and sat down. I had a lot of papers to review, because of Sebastian. *side eyes Sebastian*

Jane, my secretary, entered my office. "Miss Jasmine, you have a visitor."

She exited the room after I told her to welcome the guest in. 

"Jasmine, so good to see you after a long time!"

I turned at the familiar voice. 

"Mom?! You didn't tell me you were going here!"

It was indeed, my mother, Minerva Cuzco, in all her glory, standing in my room. Welcoming me with extended arms. 

I hugged her tightly and she smiled. "It was going to be a surprise honey."

Her face turned serious and she frowned. 

"I need to talk to you about something, by the way."

Great cliffhanger, right guys?? HAHAHAH

Well, you're gonna have to wait until the next chapter to see the "something" that Jasmine's mother is going to talk about :D

Btw, bolo means "big knife" in Filipino, or something like that.

Info, Ms. Minerva wasn't supposed to appear so early, but I decided why not, because this crazy trio needs a motherly figure to calm them all down-

Oh god. Now Leo, Seb, and Jas are coming after me. 


Gotta run! Next chapter is gonna be a vent chapter tho, because I really need to vent hehe.

Have a swell day comrades!

𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 - 𝓑𝔂 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓐𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now