Chapter 1

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OMG I finally have the motivation to make this chapter!!

Btw, I forgot to add this:

Bold - Author

Italics - Thoughts

Bold and italics - The dream

Enjoy comrades!

Sebastian {Young} POV:

I watched as Jasmine, Yuko, and Marie played a game of chase in our field. I felt a twinge of happiness when watching them, the big brother I am.

I felt someone sit down next to me. "Hey Leo."

"Hey Seb."

"Leo, do you think I'd be the leader of a mafia soon?" I asked him, jokingly.

"If you dream it, you can be it, big guy!" He chortled. I laughed.

"Maybe Leo...maybe..."

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. Grunting, I stood up and dressed.

"Hey Jas, hey Leo." I greeted as I walked down the stairs.

"Hey big bro! You look a bit sad, same dream?" Jasmine asked as I sat down.

"Yeah, it was the mafia dream again." I snickered as I remembered that. 

"You know, you're so lucky to be a mafia leader, AND a lawyer at the same time." Leo spoke up from his reading corner.

"And you're so lucky you're just a spy." I shot back, laughing.

Jasmine suddenly flicked me in the head. "What about me? I'm the leader of YOUR spy team, and you're the one giving me the work!" She glared at me while me and Leo were laughing our heads off.

Leo POV:

I shot back laughing as Jasmine said those words. I mean, it was true that Leo was giving all the work to Jasmine, but it was still funny because she flicked Leo's head, and nobody could do that. 

Sometimes, I feel like she's our older sister, than the younger sister. 

Oh well. Life is swell anyways. 

At least for now...


So, these chapters are going to be short. Because I'm tired of these damn exams. And I need to finish them by Wednesday. IT'S FRICKING MONDAY-

Anyhoo, I'm gonna vent to my bestfriend instead.

Bye btches!! Love yall!!

Have a swell day comrades!

𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 - 𝓑𝔂 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓐𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now