Chapter 24:Crusade Campaign III

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Aziz:They said they will stop it

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Aziz:They said they will stop it...

Emily:Cmdr. Aziz, leave the Golem to us. In the meantime we want the Knight Order to hold back the Demon Lord's Army at Bay.

Aziz:Alright... Good luck out there, General MacArthur.

[The 234th ans 57th Battalion move out.]

Aziz (Mind):If the UAC and MHLE who oblidirated the Legendary demonic beasts in one-hit said so... Then it is worth betting our lives on their words!

Damian:It's huge... so that's a humanoid ultimate weapon, huh...

Gai:What's that Damian?

Damian:Nothing, it was something that usually came out in Anime.

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