Chapter 19:The QTPN and Fenn

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After 7 weeks, the Fleet of Qua-Toyne's 1940s era fleet has been completed

Keith:Alright, now it's time to ship them to Qua-Toyne, Maihark

Miyano:Yes, Emperor.


Location:Qua-Toyne Principality, Lotus Garden.

Yagou:Prime Minister! The Emperor Brussett has arrived at Port of Maihark with our Delivered Warships!

Kanata:I see, now then Ladies and Gentlemen, let us greet the Emperor of MHLE


Location:Port of Maihark

As the Council members arrived, there were also civilians looking at the warships in awe.

Pancare:Incredible! Those... Those Warships are now ours?!

Yagou:Yes, Admiral, the other ones are ours, the Emperor is at that one over there *points at the IPN Enterprise (CV-6)*

Kanata:then Let us greet the Emperor

As the Qua-Toyne (QT) Council members follow, Emperor Brussett now has made a step on Maihark, accompanied with him is Miyano, Agent, Scarecrow, Executioner, Hunter, Enterprise, Cleveland, Admiral Chloe Nimitz, and Gen. Gregory Luna

Kanata:Welcome to Qua-Toyne Principality, Maihark, the Capital, Emperor Brussett.

Keith:Thank you, Prime Minister, it seems that our Technology from the 80s has been a good use just by seeing the development of your nation

Kanata:Yes it is

Keith:well then, just sign the contract and it's done

Kanata:Of course

As Keith signs his signature and then Kanata Signs his signature, it was now official, Qua-Toyne now has 1940s Era Navy



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