Background since this is a heavily AU fic

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Danny Mcgarrett-Williams and Steven Mcgarrett-Williams, are what some would call soulmates they love each other. It took time for Danny to be fully ok, and fully adjusted to being the spouse of a Black op U.S Navy SEAL Operator. To get used to his crazy super SEAL leaving for months at a time, sometimes having no contact for months at a time. Knowing that there could be a day where he kisses him on the cheek, smell of the ocean and pineapple and the goofy smile.

They got married in their thirties the day after the don't ask don't tell bill was lifted. Steve had come running into the house the day he came home from deployment and dropped to one knee. Danny will forever call Steve a sap, they had been together since Steve was in Buds training. Due to the bill they were never allowed to be open with their relationship, they couldn't go out in public on dates. Couldn't hold hands because the risk of somebody seeing them could have railroaded. Going as far as being dishonorably discharged since they engaged in sexual intercourse, they tried to break it off.

They tried to just not love each other, they couldn't stay away, they loved one another too much to simply just not date. The only people who knew of their relationship status was the Hawaii Five-0 team. Only because Danny knew they would never dream of outing him and Steve like that, it was pure torture the look on Steve's team faces were priceless. Except Freddie he screamed at the top of his lungs. 'I FUCKING KNEW IT! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING UP WITH YOU AND DANIEL!' Danny and Steve were speechless as the rest of the team slapped twenty dollars into his hand.

'What the hell are you talking about!' Steve had asked absolutely flabbergasted that Freddie knew they were dating. 'You guys fight like a married couple, you spend every second stateside with him. We were all hoping you'd fess up, we never would have told the higher ups. That bill is the stupidest bullshit. Not to mention every time you broke it off we had to suffer for it.' Steve's eyes were bugging out of his head.

'You are a son of a bitch Freddie.' Steve had hugged his team tightly terrified that they were gonna hate him, change teams but they were all happy for him and Danny. When they had their son six years later it was a bittersweet day, he was born the same day Freddie was shot and killed five years prior. They decided on naming him Evan Hart Mcgarrett-Williams; he was their miracle baby. He shouldn't have survived the birth, the surrogate water broke at fifteen weeks gestation and was put on strict bed rest for the next ten weeks when they couldn't stop the labor he was born at only twenty five weeks gestation and they were told to just give up.

That he wouldn't survive, that didn't go well with either of them. They were pissed that the doctor told them to give up on their son and let him die. They were not going to give up on their own child, so they had changed doctors multiple times until they found one who gave their boy a fighting chance. They were warned that he had an 80% chance of having a serious deficit, but she was willing to put the time in and give him a chance.

They were told he wouldn't make it a month and they were terrified that he would die, Danny didn't think he could survive if they lost him let alone try again like one of the doctors suggested. One month became three months, then that became five months and he was finally allowed to come home for the first time. They were told that if he made it to the year and a half marker with no problems showing up he was in the clear.

So when his second birthday came they finally let out a breath they were holding when he was officially giving a clear bill of health. He has no problems and the SEAL team and task force spoil him rotten. One of Danny's biggest fears was his kids ever feeling unloved, or unwanted because he never wants his son or future children to feel that way.

When he was leaning back in the headquarters and his task force and Steve's team were all playing with the young toddler, a rush of emotions hit him that his son will always have a family and enough love for a lifetime. Danny knew for damn sure that Evan would be protected forever and he would kill for his children.

It was hard when Steve went on a deployment and Evan was five so old enough to realize his Papa wasn't just at work, that he wasn't just working long hours. When he came home from kindergarten one day closed off and he asked what was wrong his heart was shattered. 'Did Papa leave us because he doesn't love us anymore?' Danny's whole world came crashing down that his son could even think that. 'No that is not why he is not here baby, Papa is really at work he works for the Navy so sometimes he has to go away for a little bit. He'll be back Evan, he's catching really bad guys right now. Maybe I can see if he's able to call, but please trust me when I tell you that me and your Papa love you so so so much. You are our entire world Evan Hart Mcgarrett-Williams never think differently ok.'

Danny had hugged him tightly for a good five minutes before trying to get ahold of Steve, which he thankfully did and Danny could tell Steve had been struggling. Hearing that his son thought he didn't love him and his Dad shattered him. Steve had begged Danny to wake him up and let him talk to him even if it was only a few minutes that he wanted Evan to hear from him that he loved him so much.

A few weeks later a few older children were saying that to his son, making jokes like, 'your father went to get milk and isn't coming back.' Or shit like, 'your father didn't want you and left the country just to get away from you.' After two months of the school doing not one damn thing about it Danny hired a nanny and homeschooled him. He wasn't going to have twelve year old's saying that to his five year old child and risk giving him self worth issues. Or thinking his dads didn't want him. Which is always far from the truth when they fought for two years to find somebody in Hawaii, the right fit health wise and was willing to be a surrogate for a gay couple. Then the five month fight to keep him alive and breathing.

Danny was not about to let a stupid asshole's child try to make one of his biggest fears happen.

That is when Steve and Danny realized Evan was smart, not just lightly smart, extremely smart too much for his own good. The following year turning six and meant to be put in the first grade turned into him going into the third grade. They have no clue where their child got the smarts from, the egg donor wasn't stupid she was a finance major or something but the level of smarts they have him at is shocking. So they get him higher level books and do anything to help him.

(This is just the background)

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