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I held my gun in my hand as we walked up to this place called Alexandria when the gate started to shake, I lifted my gun up to the gate

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I held my gun in my hand as we walked up to this place called Alexandria when the gate started to shake, I lifted my gun up to the gate.

Daryl turned and shot at something the guy just started at him standing by the now opend gate and I turned and saw that he was holding a possum "we brought dinner" Daryl said and I rolled my eyes. Aaron looked embarrassed and said "it's okay, come on in, guys" I looked at Daryl and he started walking in with Rick so I followed.

The guy who opened the gate looked at us and said "before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons" I looked at him "and why the hell would we do that!?" I yelled at him. My gun was the one of the only thing I had left from my brother.

"stay, you hand them over" he said looking at me "we don't know if we want to stay." Rick said walking towards the guy. Aaron looked at the guy and said "it's fine, Nicholas." Nicholas was his name.
" if we were gonna use them, we would have already" Rick said " let them talk to Deanna first." Aaron said

"who's Deanna ?" Aberham asked "she knows everything you'd want to know about This place "Rick, why don't you start?". Rick heard a walker and looked at me and said "Ella" I raised my gun and pointed it at Nicholas before turning my hand and shot the walking in the head. "you shoulda seen your face" I said laughing "it's a good thing we're here" Rick said than walking away

Pretty soon it was my turn to talk to this Deanna girl. I walk in and look around "you mind if I film this?" She asked "if I say no, you're gonna do it any way." I said. She click the camera and said "please sit"
She said to me. "nah I'm good" I said walking back and forth "I know the others name but I don't know yours" she said watching me walk back and forth "are you asking my name? Or is it just a statement?" I said sarcastically She gave me a look before asking for my name "Ella" I said coldly, plan and simple .

"your last name?" She asked  I looked at her my chin down but my eyes looking at her "keep you chin down but your eyes looking at your enemies." My brother would away say he said "it makes you look colder, scarier so people wouldn't mess with you ". "You asked for my name. Not my full name." I stated she looked at me and I tilted my head a bit and she figured I didn't want to tell her because she moved on.

"Where were you before this?" She asked me I look at her not knowing if I should tell her or not "with my brother" I said "where is he?"She asked "dead." I said softly Becuase I don't know if he is or not we got separated at the beginning of this so I don't know what happened to him, where he is, if he's ok.

Writer comments
I'm sorry of this short or bad it's my first time doing this

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