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"Do you want to be here?" She asked pulling me out of my thoughts

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"Do you want to be here?" She asked pulling me out of my thoughts. "If my family is here then I'll be" I said. After all this time taking care of each other I think of them as my family.

"They're still your guns. You can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall." Deanna said as everyone was putting their guns into a bin. "But inside here, we store them for safety." She added "what about our safety? What if we feel safer if we have them? We don't know you." I asked her Rick look at me than the bin with our guns in it.

Daryl touched my arm and leaded into the crock of my neck and said "just put 'em in, I'll get 'em back" I walked forward and set my pistol in and took the rifle that was on my back in the bin as well.

This girl standing next to Deanna pulled the Bin and said "I should have brought another bin" I look at her with a glare"yeah you should have, it's a damn shame" I said tilting my head a bit as she walked away.

I looked at coral who was smiling at the people I knew she was plaining something she was acting kind, weak, that's not like her. She's not weak and she's only kind to her group so why is she being nice to them?

Me, Daryl, and Rick were sitting out side on the porch while the other were talking a shower or looking around. Daryl started to gut the podium that he killed when Carl walked out of the house walked up to Judith and him and carol walked to the house next to us to search it.

When they were doing that me, Daryl, and Rick started looking around the outside of the house checking for anything and Carol walked up to us "they're right next to each other, but"  Rick cut her off  "they took our weapons and now they're splitting us up." he said "yep" Daryl added at the end than Rick said "yeah" I tried not to laugh by how they both said basically the same.

"We'll all be staying in the same house tonight." Rick said. "That's good, we don't know what these fancy shits bags are gonna do." I said looking around at the house and the people walking by.

Later that night everyone was in one house starting to lay blankets and other things down to make it comfortable. Me and Daryl were sitting next to Judith, looking down at her and her looking back at us.

That when  we hear a knock at the door I grab my knife and everyone stops what there doing. When Rick opens the door I see Deanna and hide my knife a bit not know if she'll take that too.

She started talking about Rick beard and I just look at her. "Listen, I don't mean to interrupt." She started I rolled my eyes "yet you still knock on the door" I thought to myself. "I just wanted to stop by and see how you were all settling." She looked over saying that and saw that we were all in the living room. Most of us sitting on where we would be sleeping that night.

"oh, my. Staying together. Smart." She said turning back to Rick. "No one said we couldn't." Rick said "Is that not aloud?" I said raising an eyebrow at her she looked at me and before saying anything she smiled "you said you're a family. That's what you said." Everyone looked at me I never called them my family nor told them that they're like a family to me. "It's amazing how people with completely different backgrounds and nothing in common can become that." She said looking at me.

"Everyone said you gave them jobs." Rick said I look around "part of this place. Looks like the communists won after all." She said with a laugh "well, you didn't give me one." Rick said. "I have I just haven't told you yet." She said smile then looked at Michonne "same with Michonne."

Then looked back into the living room "I'm closing in on something for Sasha." She said than looked over at me and Daryl. "And I'm just trying to figure mr. Dixon and Mis. Ella out, but I will." I roll my eyes as she looked at Rick and said "you look good" before she left. Soon after we all layed down and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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