DADDY'S SLUT (Mullette)

193 2 7

Why fuck I wrote this I do not know.

Kinks~ spanking, bondage, over stimulation, Daddy, pain, hair pulling, teasing, dominant/submissive, punishments, degradation, face fucking, begging, toys, whipping, Masochism/sadomasochism so (CONSENT IS ALWAYS NEEDED OR IT'S ABUSE AND/OR RAPE) BDSM

pov. Hercules Mulligan

I was lying in my bed with my husband. I was passionately making out with him as he was under me. I kissed him harder and he slid his tongue across my lips. I opened my mouth slightly and he slipped his tongue inside. He gently slid it across mine and began to push further in my mouth. I pushed back against him, sliding his tongue from my mouth and pushing mine in his. he groaned slightly from under me slowly beginning to grind against me. I felt my pants tighten a little and began to grind on him getting a needed friction. I smirked and pulled away from him going over to his neck and sucking down on his sweet spot. I bit down and he let out a whine. I felt his hand gently palm my erection and couldn't resist.

"Is my Laf being a bad boy tonight" I asked, pinning him to the sheets by his shoulders.

" S-sorry daddy" He whined.

"I think somebody needs a punishment for touching his daddy" I said getting off of him and watching him squirm. I reached under the bed grabbing the box labeled toys and pulling it out. He whined a little and I crawled onto the bed with him.

"if it ever gets to be too much just tell me, remember our word is red if you ever want it to stop or it hurts to much, if you don't want to continue this that's okay all you have to say is no" I said sweetly to him not wanting make him feel uncomfortable.

"Yes Daddy" He whimpered, biting his lip making me smirk. I grabbed the rope from the box and bound his wrist together. I reached into the box taking out a vibrating cock ring and watching his eyes widened. I slipped it on his member before grabbing a large vibrator. I pushed it into him and he let out a whimper, small tears pricking at his eyes. I grinned, turning both toys on high vibration. He let out a loud yelp and pressed his legs together.

"aww are you still being a naughty boy, I guess you never learn" I said, pulling his legs apart letting the vibrator slip deeper into him. He let out a loud whine and kept squirming with his legs spread I grabbed some hand cuffs and rope. I cuffed his ankles before tying the handcuffs to the sides of the bed. He let out a loud whine his legs now spread far apart.

"Naughty boys get spanked, you're gonna count and say thank you if you mess up I'll have to punish you" I said as I spanked him hard.

"One, thank you Daddy" he whimpered.

"T-Two, Th-thank you D-Daddy" He squeaked out.

"Three! Ohhh~ D-addy" He squealed with a slight moan at the end. I glared and placed one hand between his shoulder blades before slamming him down onto the bed making him let out small whimpers.

"You didn't say thank you" I growled into his ear raking my nails down his back making him shiver. I reached down and grabbed a whip from the box. he let out a sharp gasp followed by small pants. I used on hand to pin him down before beginning to whip him gently. He let out a loud moan as I began to whip him harder. small tears pricked at his eyes as he bit down hard on his lip. I continued to whip him, pressing him harder onto the sheets.

"Ahhhhh! DADDY! MMhhpp! PLUS DUR!!! D-Don't S--S-top! OH H--HARDER!!! I-I--AAHHH! DADDY!!!" he whined loudly. after his lower back and ass were covered in red lash marks I went in front of him where he could watch and slowly undressed myself making him squirm. I pulled off my boxers letting my erect member spring out. I crawled next to him and brought my cock close to his mouth and he licked the tip making me shiver. I quickly shoved my member into his mouth. He began to lick long strokes along my member sucking as he did making waves of pleasure shoot through me. he moved his tongue to my tip licking it slowly. I grabbed the back of his head thrusting into his mouth. He gagged a little before sucking harder. I kept thrusting and he was moaning around my member, the pleasure getting more and more over whelming. I let out a shaky moan as I came in his mouth. he slowly swallowed all of it, his tongue brushing against parts of my member making me go crazy. I slid out and looked at him. He was panting heavily, sweat on his face, a little cum dripping off his bottom lip as he looked up at me, lust in his eyes. I crawled on top of him, grinding down roughly and rubbing our cock heads together making small moans and whimpers.

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