Chapter 37: Promise You'll Be My Alchemy

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Song Credits: Far Out - Alchemy (feat. RØRY)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

Skyelle is hopeless that anything will ever be the same after what happened before. Sama knows that she isn't able to do much, but she'll still be there for her Butterfly.


My heart thumps in my chest as my eyes look around quickly. Breathing raggedly, my blue eyes widen in fear of who it was. I thought I was free. Thought that my friend and potential future wife had saved me from him.

I scream in fear as something grabs me from the darkness-


I gasp, my eyes immediately opening. Sama's red eyes glow in the darkness of the hospital room, making my terrified blue eyes flick over at them. They looked concerned.

"Sama-!" I hug her quickly, making her arms surround my smaller body. Her embrace makes me feel safer. Calmer. "Oh Butterfly, I am so sorry." That elegant voice reassures me.

"Sama, it was terrible. I'm scared of losing you again. Scared of everything going wrong again." She hums to me, running her nails carefully through my matted hair.

"Butterfly misses you. He kept squeaking for you." The mention of our ferret makes me smile slightly. It was cute how much he wanted his other owner back.

"How long Sama? Since I've been gone? I can't remember anymore. The days melted together..." She breathes out, sounding like she was on the verge of crying.

"Weeks my dear. Weeks of me crying, trying to get you back. Your friend even started staying over to help search. Those were the most painful days I ever experienced." My heart breaks for her.

She was trying her best to hold herself together. For me. For Yasu. Even though she did horrible things before, she was set on keeping me over her status as a Beast. Evil God, her own creator, was never as important as I was to her.

"Toru..." She leans down, and her red lips connect with my dry ones. That kiss made her grab me up, placing me on her legs. Warmth blooms inside of me as she kisses me with all she has. 

Her hands hold my hips steady as she tilts her head some. I moan a faint melody as she bites my lips a little bit. Soon she splits, and I see the color return in her dull eyes. 

"You're my girl." She nuzzles my neck, holding me close still. My heartrate accelerates from hearing her say that. The witch I fell in love with. She was more than just that to me. 


Morning light filters in from the blinded windows. I feel warmth underneath me, and look up sleepily to see a sleeping Kintoru. Her hat was tilted on her head. 

I missed her touch, companionship, and affection. Opening my lips, I touch where she bit me. It was a gentle bite though, even if I wanted more than that.

"Mmm, good morning my Butterfly." Her red eyes lighten at seeing me awake. I whine as she kisses my neck some. "Mommy?" Her claws carefully grab me up, making me want it.

"Please... I want to feel you again." The flashes of being violated came up again, making me back up some. Sama asks gently, "What is it?" My eyes flick to her worried ones.

"I... Unpleasant memories popped up." She notices my discomfort when saying unpleasant. Her eyes narrow. She growls. "Did he-? Oh that disgusting creature. I wish I could've damaged it much more..."

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