Attack... 🔥

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"I don't want to get ready, don't force me to do something I don't want to..."
Shouts Ajabdeh at all the maids

Ajabdeh is equally annoyed as her father is forcing her to atleast see the groom he has choosen for her and maids are instructed to prepare Ajabdeh for the same.

" All of you leave I want to talk to Ajabdeh..."
Says Heer as all the maids makes an exist.

" What Ajabdeh what is happening how can this be I just heard from Hansa mausi...I went for 2 days and this much happened are you fine..?"
Ask Heer

Ajabdeh hugs Heer and cries unconditionally...

" See Heer this always happens I was not Meant to have any happiness in my life..."
Says Ajabdeh between tears

Kuwar Pratap who is walking in rage towards Ajabdeh's room is shocked to see Ashoka already standing outside her room...
With his hands folded and head down lying against the wall and he had heard everything Ajabdeh and Heer said.

" What are you doing here...?"
Finally kuwar Pratap could not take it anymore and grabs him by his collar...

" WHAT are you doing here outside her room..."
Ask Pratap

" Ohho calm down bhai...let me..."
Says kuwar Shakti in a CALM tone

says Shakti

" Oh I'm would be wife have such good friends..."
Says Ashoka laughing

" But don't worry I didn't peak inside and I'm just standing so that I can know the real feelings that she have..."
Says Ashoka in kuwar Pratap's ears

Ajabdeh and Heer walks out hearing all the commotion and is stunned to see kuwar Shakti holding Ashoka.

" What the hell leave him kuwar Shakti... He is a guest here at Bijolia"
Says Ajabdeh

" Yeah whatever..."
Says kuwar Shakti

Kuwar Pratap looks at Ashoka who is checking Ajabdeh out with pure admiration.
She is dressed beautiful in a peacock themed Lehenga.

" Wow.."
Says Ashoka slowly but it didn't escape kuwar Pratap's ears

Kuwar Pratap comes in to stand in front of Ajabdeh.

Ashoka began introducing himself
" Well Ghanni khamma I'm the..."

"Crown prince of kanauj on eastern part of Hindustan...
I already know much about you from gossips inside....khamma ghani"
I hope you have a good time here in Bijolia"
Says Ajabdeh and walks away with Heer following her

" Wow..."
Says Ashoka again with a hint of laughter this time

"You will stay away from her..."
Says Pratap

"And why should I stay away with my soon to be wife...I should know her better..."
Says Ashoka and moves away leaving a furious Pratap

"My will this be solved..."
Says kuwar Shakti Patting his head

"Don't worry brother I know Ajabdeh will not marry him he is not her type ..."
Says kuwar Shakti

Kuwar Pratap walks back to his room to rest.
He is going restless from all the chaos.

"What should I do Heer...I can't disobey my father but I can't marry him..."
Says Ajabdeh

"Wait ajab...I am sure nothing will happen just have faith in your kanha ji..."
Says Heer

Ashoka is well in to marry Ajabdeh but the fact he heard Ajabdeh saying she never gets any happiness pains his heart.
For him after winning countless battles and seen every kind of horrifying scenes it never pained him as much as Ajabdeh's plight does.

He wanted to have a clear talk with Ajabdeh and for her to tell him her real intentions.

" I wound have talked to her if those 2 prince didn't interfere..."
Thought Ashoka while walking to please his muscles with some swords.

Here Ajabdeh is trying hard to convince her family that she doesn't want to marry Ashoka.
But her father is keen on marrying her to him as he has a good status and he finally be able to get above the position of a mere samant.

Ajabdeh has lost hope to convince her father.
She thinks that she can now do nothing to stop her marriage.

Kuwar Pratap was thinking to challenge Ashoka directly but he has yet not convinced his father.

Noone knows what fate has is store and everyone is having a sleepless night.

Suddenly the emergency Alarm of the Bijolia palace was sounded amd everyone gathered in the Court room.

"This is a sneak attack from Mughal Army..."
Says Rao ji

"We won't let anyone lay a hand on anything and anyone..."
Declares Ranaji

Kuwar Pratap and kuwar Shakti both are ready to fight anyone.

Prince Ashoka with his father are also present just in case.

Pratap, Shakti and Ashoka went to front gates to kill all intruders while Rao ji and Ranaji stayed behind to safeguard palace and people inside.

Kuwar Pratap was actively killing everyone in his way followed by kuwar Shakti.

Ashoka is just using tactics calmly to evade attacks.
But as he saw some number of people increasing his fighting techniques are getting more furious as well.

Now Ashoka with his top speed is defeating people like ants.
Kuwar Pratap and Shakti as well were forced to admire his fighting skills.

Ajabdeh and Heer too watching from balcony gave him full stars.

As both the girls saw that number of intruders are increasing and 3 prince are finding it difficult to manage both the Princesses got ready to jump in battle as well.

Ajabdeh came in first followed by Heer.
Both are slaying enemies right and left....kuwar Pratap is again forced to admire Ajabdeh
Ashoka too can't stop himself from following Ajabdeh's every move.

Kuwar Shakti is making sure that no enemy get too close to Heer kuwar.

Finally kuwar Pratap saw a man walking towards Ajabdeh from behind.
He was rushing to kill him when a sword pierced him in half from the side.

"Not a step forward.... towards her..."
Says Ashoka in a thundering voice

Kuwar Pratap was distracted by this and didn't saw the looming danger...

A soilder was about to slay him right in the rib from behind.

A slaying voice was heard by everyone but kuwar Pratap didn't felt any impact.

Well he didn't because it was taken by someone else....


Ajabdeh was standing right there between him and soilder while the sword has pierced her stomach directly from the side....
Blood is dropping on the floor.

Kuwar Pratap lost all sense at the scene.

He held Ajabdeh as she was about to fall while Ashoka, Heer and kuwar Shakti furiously slayed every remaining soilder, making their way towards the duo.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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