「 Chapter 11」: Unexpected payback.~

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BrokerZuka real!!11!1

Back in my drawing era yayayayyayya and I forgot to watermark it but I don't really care anyways.


He had to get up and help the scientist once he actually calmed down, the medic had to take care of him along the way to his house and laboratorium from Blackrock. Subspace then had to walk with his hand on Medkit's shoulder, he wasn't even injured, how pathetic, Medkit thought.

Halfway to Blackrock, Subspace was already getting assisted by Medkit and still managed to trip and fall, his dusty face with the discolored mask due to the dust, Medkit helped him standing up. "What are you doing..." Medkit rolled his eyes in annoyance. Shortly after they arrived, the Zetagraft let Medkit and Subspace in, the medic was confused but it didn't matter. Subspace was kind of okay.

He has his spare key for Subspace's house on him, unlocked the door as they both enter the house, it was messy, unwashed clothes on a seemingly navy office chair. How unsophisticated. That really didn't matter.

Medkit out of annoyance just pushed Subspace and made him sit, Subspace simply giggled and puts his mask aside, the medic just went into the laboratorium, he has good memory. There he spotted a dusty chessboard in a box. As soon as he saw it, he grabbed it. "Medkit." The text was crossed and replaced by "Sub" On it.

The chess pieces was still there, he took the white and black king. And placed them on it. He remembered he used to play by and against himself when Subspace wasn't around. Queen's gambit, Sicilian defense Karo-Kann, "..." He sighed.

The scientist entered the laboratory, curious. "Meddy??" Subspace approached him. "Ohh, I found this years ago!!" He walked towards Medkit and stared at the dusty chessboard. Smirking as he puts on his mask. "Can I play against you??"

"Aren't we... Fine." Medkit sighed as he began to assemble the chess pieces on the board one by one. Subspace tried to help, only to put the white queen in the wrong square. "Not F4..." He rolled his eyes and scoffs as he puts the white queen kn the D1 square.

As they played, with a trillion illegal moves Subspace made with the white pieces, the game ends with a king-queen endgame, checkmated easily by Medkit. "Hmmh?" He looked at Subspace, with a small smirk. "Aw man-" Subspace rolled his eyes.

"I wish I could just kis-" Subspace cuts himself off. He stared at the chessboard. "What...?-" Medkit stared at the scientist, white king on A7, black queen on B7, black king on C8, it was Qb7# checkmate, Medkit noted the coordinates and moves throughout the whole game, for no absolute reason at all.

But he still noticed what Subspace said. Sweating of what he almost finished the sentence earlier, he simply sighed and just went to take a pile of grey crystals on the table. "Mind telling me how to make a... Healing crystal??-" Subspace stared at the medic.

Medkit walked to the scientist and spotted the grey jar. "Then what's my... Nevermind." Medkit sighed as he walked towards Subspace and glanced at the star shaped grey crystals. He was practically beside Subspace.

The first healing crystal was made, it was turquoise colored. "Woahh!!" Subspace looked and examined the crystals. "This is awesome!! But it's not for world domina-" Before Subspace could say anything, Medkit just flicked the scientist's horns. "Not that ambitious, it's supposed to heal allies."

"Ow sorry!!" Subspace yelled and rolled his eyes. Smirking as he saw the turquoise crystal on his hand. This could make him better, after all he's a support. Well, not healing to support people's health, assist by applying poison and vulnerability, it is. But he wonders if he can do it on himself.

The scientist left the laboratorium, and arrived with a clean glass of water. Picked up the turquoise crystal and shattered it with his hand. With a grin on his face, he chugged the water engulfed in healing chemicals.

He was feeling slightly better after some moments. "So this is what you do after I made this...? Pathetic..." Medkit rolled his eyes at the sight of the scientist being unthankful. The scientist stared at the medic before putting the half empty glass on the table.

"Hehe..." Subspace smirked and clutched his fist. As he turned his head to the medic and... "Chu!" He grinned, and stepped away. The scientist simply wiped his mouth, amused on what he did.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Medkit simply stared at the scientist with the pure confusion and a pink tint on his face. "Hehe-" Subspace rolled his eyes playfully and smirked more.

"WHY DID YOU-" Medkit blushed and approached him at a rapid pace. "AAAAAAAAHHH-" Subspace stepped back.

A/N: I love this chapter. :3

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